
One of the largest time sucks of the internet is the vast amount of information available to us at any time right at our finger tips. Rarely do we come upon a website or web applcaitions that truly sifts through all the junk and curates the most influential and authoritative source to give to useful and value content…not spam. Enter PickDeck.

Twitter , the 140 character social site is popular with a whopping worldwide estimated user base of around 140 million active monthly users with 400 million tweets daily according to CEO Dick Costolo, but two new startups launched late last month to seek and battle out Twitter at its own game. Twitter’s outage on June 21st could be one of the factors.

Sometimes a picture just isn’t enough. Times when you just want to see something from all angles. With the growth of mobile apps and high-res cameras, people are out to change that experience. YouSpin is in on the forefront of that change.

Is a mobile health app a medical device? Should an app that shows you how many steps you’ve taken be regulated exactly the same way as a blood glucose monitor? According to the FDA the answer is yes, and if pending legislation passes in the U.S. House of Representatives it could sound a death knell for innovation in the healthcare sector.

I can still remember the day I made a double play in a little league guy when was a kid. It was one of the great sports moment for me. Without doubt highlight reel worthy. However back then the only way you would’ve seen it is if you were there or saw the picture a reporter snapped at the game (which was in the local paper later that week).

Its always great to see your local startups making big moves. Today former Spotlight: LA Tech company ParkMe announced their partnership with Magnifis. ParkMe, a leading provider of parking information to navigation companies and smartphones, and Magnifis a voice-based driver assistant application.

For most the dreams of becoming a guitar shredding god are lost if not playing since your youth. Although you may not be able to become that mega star on stage playing the Hollywood Bowl, you can still become the guitar shredding god of your household. Music Prodigy is changing Music Education through its patent-pending technology and proprietary teaching method that enables any aspiring musician to learn any instrument

There was that one night…or was it another night? You just remember you met someone nice and had a great time with. But you can’t seem to remember the details. Wouldn’t it be great if there was an app for that? I mean it’s tough to carry a black leather book in todays “fashionable” tight jeans. So good news there is an app out there! Meet today’s “little black book,” an updated, digital book that keeps track of one’s most private affairs.

The irony: a sad state that even with the huge number of social network applications we have at our disposal, we’re oftentimes lost, unable to keep up, or still lose touch so easily. But for a second let’s try something different and blame the technology. It’s okay, it’s not your fault.

We all have things to cheer for in life. Most times we celebrate to milestone events or showing our affection for people in our lives. But there’s so many things in life that make us happy.