Codeita Powers Collaboration For Web Developers

Nov 29, 2010 • Culture, Entrepreneurship, Startups
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Remember the first time you used Google Docs? Magical, right? Well, Kyle Ellicott (serial entrepreneur and FIDM web lead) and Brian Robinson (founder of ndmweb) thought that web developers should get a taste of that collaboration innovation as well.

It’s the great startup tale of building a solution to your own painpoint. As the story goes, Kyle lives in California and Brian lives in Michigan. They were frustrated with their attempts to work collaboratively on website projects. So they built Codeita –  a powerful, cloud-based web development environment – to make developers’ lives easier.

Not only does Codeita provide a sophisticated code editor, but also a pretty neat svg image editor to enable near-full development in the cloud. Additionally, Codeita conjures up a 37 Signals-esque project management tool that allows you to create project folders, add collaboration contacts, set tasks with deadlines, make notes, and track progress.

After just a few minutes of using Codeita, you’ll realize why it’s starting to get some great buzz around the LA startup scene. They debuted a prototype in April, and has since launched their public beta and grown to service over 1,200 clients.

Codeita is still in its early days, but there’s clearly a need for collaborative development tools. As the product matures, it will be interesting to see how Kyle and Brian further their goal of empowering developer collaboration. The mobile avenue appears to be enticing (especially the idea of building on the fly with your iPad), and there could be a community development opportunity down the road.

Codeita is a bootstrapped startup, and will be releasing power-user options later this year. Stay tuned!


Matt is an entrepreneur, musician, and founder of the music education startup Chromatik (

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