IT Department and Web Teams | Who Does What Now?

Mar 12, 2015 • Business, Culture
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Since we live in a technical age and since businesses are essentially fueled by technology, it is vital to know who to call on when you need one thing or another. There are various tech savvy groups of people that can assist businesses in their development, implementation and use of technology. Some people think that all of these people go by the same title, but this is not true. IT Departments and Web Teams are not synonymous. Although it is not unusual for members of one department to have experience working in the other department they are different jobs within the same industry.

There are key differences between them. The roles in each grouping are different. Each group has different responsibilities and skills that they use. Both groups have different challenges to face and resources to use.


Web Teams are necessary to running websites and applications. Program and account managers are helpful especially if more than one project is open. Network engineers and programmers are essential in designing platforms and up-keeping them. Security experts and other individuals might be helpful in creating and fixing network performance monitoring software. Then, there are the creative peoples that help make the Web Team’s work stand out among others. These roles might include Designers and Creative Leaders.

An IT Department typically has a Help Desk that will assist and usually will solve problems before involving another part of their department. The System Administrator in an IT Department will maintain servers. They sometimes must communicate with the Web Team, but this is not always the case. Then there is a network engineer that will make sure that communication lines stay open between everybody.


The responsibility of the Web Team revolves around any and all web based projects. Namely, this will include setting up and maintaining servers. Also, the Web Team will be responsible for the overall design of company websites and applications. It is not uncommon to outsource some of these responsibilities to companies that specialize in doing these things.

An IT Department is responsible for keeping company computers up and running. They will assist anyone if they have a problem with their computer. They are responsible for maintaining properly working computers, hardware and software. They will typically have access to some kind of network performance monitoring software to keep watch of the entire company’s networking capability.


Web Teams better come packed with people who have an arsenal of marketing and computing skills at their disposal. When it comes to marketing, they should have an understanding of search engine optimization (SEO). The Web Team should have a phenomenal understanding of usability, that is making sure the website is usable by end users. They should also know how to read and create coding of HTML, Java and so forth.

IT Departments must have sound network administration skills. It is also essential for IT Departments to have a strong drive to move towards virtualization. Cloud computing makes it easier for employees to pull up documents and other projects remotely. It is also a safety feature for all the valuable projects companies create.


Some of the challenges that Web Teams will face will come from their relationship and exposure to the company they are designing websites and applications for. They must have access to company policies. They must have smooth communication with the corporate offices to gain access to company logos and branding.

IT Departments in today’s world are constantly challenged to update and enforce security features to the fullest extent. They are in charge of protecting vital documents, so they have the priority of keeping track of cybersecurity. They routinely must face this challenge.


Web Teams are facing new technological challenges because the internet is becoming more and more advanced every day. They are required to make applications and web sites that are interactive and invigorate users. They are required to design for multiple platforms and devices. There is also the technological aspect of incorporating e-commerce into the web site designs that they must consider working with.

IT Departments will use similar technology, but they have different challenges to face when it comes to new devices and optimizing them. They must make sure cloud computing runs smoothly to personal devices. Additionally, they must strategize with the corporate office to set up safeguards for social media concerns.

All and all, in today’s tech savvy world both IT Departments and Web Teams are essential for a business to maintain and grow.

Alex Espenson

Alex Espenson is a technology writer with a passion for home automation, tech security, and wearable smart devices.

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