Meet Loupe, the App Keeping You up to Speed with your Local Food Scene

Jul 06, 2016 • Startups
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Everyone loves food and, if cookery television shows are anything to go by, they all love local, too. Well good news, Loupe is an app that keeps you “in the loop” of your local restaurant scene. In so doing, the app helps to nurture smaller restaurants over big brands. We take a closer look:

Loupe provides users with a curated list of the best locally owned restaurants in their area and offers perks to get customers in the door. The app is free and enables gastronomes in multiple cities in the United States to follow and connect with their favorite local chefs. Restaurants can also use the app to provide local communities with offers and discounts to build a loyal following.

Unlike other food apps, Loupe is a celebration of locally sourced food and restaurants. While many big chains – for obvious logistical purposes – are forced to maintain the use of large scale farms and other food producers, Loupe is actively helping local communities and economies by keeping money within supply chains. Small eateries often buy produce from local suppliers, so supporting local restaurants aids a trickle down effect, boosting the food economy from start to finish in any given area.

“While we focus on great food and great restaurants, the fact that we only work with locally owned restaurants in each market means that through eating a meal, you’re helping to make a positive impact in that community,” explains Patrick Finan, Loupe’s founder. “Keep in mind that locally owned restaurants support local farmers and other local businesses, helping to build a strong local economy and many consumers recognize and support that trend.”

So far the app has launched in the following cities: Buffalo, NY; Pittsburgh, PA; Baltimore, MD; Rochester, NY; Syracuse, NY and New Orleans, LA.

Oliver Griffin

Oliver Griffin is a Staff Writer at Publicize, which is a startup aiming to change the way companies approach PR. Publicize has worked with a dozen+ Y Combinator startups and leading brands such as Hallmark Cards.

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