ON | But First, Let Me Take A Selfie

Oct 29, 2014 • Mobile, Startups
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social mediaMy first experience with ON had me do a double-take, the whole feel already seemed familiar. The roll of selfies and the idea of meeting new people had me thinking I was on Tinder, but upon closer inspection I was on the ON homepage. ON is like a smorgasbord of the best features from other social media platforms and combines it into one experience that could change the way we meet new people.

ON as a standalone app does what Tinder does; discover and meet new people through photos. What ON does differently is take the best parts of Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Tinder and roll into one social media platform. It takes a page from both Instagram and Snapchat when taking a photo and with the options of drawing, adding filters and captions to a picture. Like Facebook, it allows members to comment on pictures and send private messages. ON allows you to follow others and use hastags like Twitter. The idea of meeting people by using photos is used similarly as Tinder. Roll all that into one and what you have is ON.

selfieSo, what’s so different about ON than any other social media platform? The real difference comes from searching for new connections.

Searching on many social media platforms usually requires a name or username to be found. ON takes even more parameters to search for people. Look for people based on physical appearance, zodiac signs and even by a #hastag, and that’s just a few of the search factors available. The search feature may align closer to a Match.com search on the surface, but what ON is trying to build is a social media platform with search function made specifically for the new millennials. It is unique way to search for that special someone or group.

The search option allows users to input a whole slew of information into their profile, but that also would make security a problem as well. To protect users on ON, there is a team that watches over all of the activity that goes within its social platform to keep their users safe by making sure there are no fraudulent accounts and suspicious behavior spreading amongst the community. Members also can report others as well to make sure everyone can be safe on ON.

on messageSeeing the number and variety of people on the ON social network was pretty surprising. New users do not need to worry about waiting for the community to grow, as the number of members reached a million users thanks to the word of mouth and over 3 million selfies have been posted since its debut.

The biggest problem about ON, however, is the privacy concern. After Apple and Snapchat’s debacle earlier this year, one would wonder about ON’s online policy. Looking on the site, there was no mention about privacy terms or any security assurance. But the majority, including myself, are guilty of just accepting the terms and services to stay connected with the rest of the world.

ON possibly has the chance to compete with Tinder and join the ranks of larger social platforms thanks to the simplicity and familiarity of the user interface. To see how ON grew organically shows the company has a lot of potential to become the next big social platform. The continuation of ON staying on track of its goals can lead to a bright future with new members joining to post new selfies and meet new connections.

What makes ON appealing is its familiar features from other social platforms. It takes all the best and most used features and combines it all into one social platform for people to discover and make new connections. ON looks to be the main hub for those adventurous or interested in seeing who else is open for a new connection. Whether you see ON as more of a hookup/relationship app or just a place to meet new people is up to you.

ON has a mobile app for both iOS and Android users.

Alex Bae

A University of California, Santa Barbara graduate. Has a love relationship with photography, technology, and writing. Always looking forward to new creative innovations and writing.

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