TechZulu at SXSW 2014 Live From Indiegogo Tech Cafe & Join Us for Happiness Hour!

Mar 06, 2014 • Events, SXSW
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IGG_SXSW_ImageIt’s that time of year again TechZulu readers, the time when people from all corners of the world travel their way by planes, trains, and automobiles to Austin, Texas for SXSW. The TechZulu team is no different as we’re making our way down to the main event.

We’ll be streaming live everyday from the Indiegogo Tech Cafe to bring you exclusive interviews from the best and brightest at this year’s SXSW. So even if you’re unable to make it out this year, we’ve got you covered.

We’re excited to share the exciting Indiegogo SXSW Tech Cafe 2014 lineup of events with you!  They will be hosting several Happiness Hours and have a dedicated space throughout the week. We’d love for you to drop by and say hello at one or all of them.

Grab a drink with Indiegogo’s Hardware Lead, Kate Drane, The TechZulu Crew and the rest of the team and Indiegogo campaigners to hear what’s happening in the tech and design crowdunding space.

Let us know if you will be at SXSW by filling out this form, and below are some more details about our events if you’d like to join us.


For Film/Interactive we will be nestled across the street from the Austin Convention Center, so before you head to a keynote or panel, make sure to stop by first.

We will be set up at the Indiegogo Tech Cafe at 102 Trinity St, Austin, TX 78701 and will be joined by our campaigners Misfit WearablesBreathometer andURB-E, along with our media partners The Wrap and Alamo Draft House.

In the space, there will be a public Wi-Fi lounge, food trucks and drinks, so it’s a great spot to grab something to eat, catch up on work, and hear the latest on all things SXSW.

They’ll also be hosting a few Happiness Hours and Indiegogo Tech Cafe Hours, where you can come chat with our Indiegogo staff about your campaign, your experience or anything else you’d like to discuss!

Here’s where we’ll be and what we’ll be doing:

Indiegogo Tech Café
102 Trinity St, Austin, TX 78701
March 8th – 11th, 11am – 4pm

Indiegogo’s SXSW Kick-off Happiness Hour wth TechZulu 
March 7th, 3pm – 5pm

Hardware Happiness Hour 
March 8th, 4pm – 6pm

Indiegogo Film Happiness Hour with The Wrap and Alamo Draft House
March 9th, 4pm – 6pm

Interactive Speaking Event: 
Make It Rain – The New Healthcare Funding Landscape with Bre DiGiammarino
March 7th, 5pm – 6pm

Film Speaking Event: 
The Crowd with John Trigonis
March 8th, 12:30pm – 1:30pm

Hardware Speaking Event: 
Crowdfunding Grows Up with Kate Drane
March 9th, 2:30pm – 3:30pm
The Long Center for the Performing Arts – Pincer Terrace, 701 W. Riverside

Film Speaking Event: 
Mentors: Distribution: Documentary with Kristen Konvitz
March 10th, 11:00am – 12:30pm
Austin Convention Center, Room 11AB

See you in Austin!  #gogosxsw @Indiegogotech

Kyle Ellicott

Co-Founder of @EventifyMe, CEO of @Codeita and Heavy Cloud Media Group. I have a strong love and passion for startups. Some say I’m a serial entrepreneur, coder, idea creator, and a nice guy.

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