TEDx Hollywood Was a Smashing Success!

Jul 28, 2009 • Entertainment
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TechZulu had the honor of sponsoring and attending the first TEDx Hollywood put together by Tito Melega.  If his name sounds familiar its because he is the man behind those awesome Toyota Prius commercials.

They had great speakers and performers throughout the night.  One of which was Greg Cargill who spoke on the subject of “Creativity in Social Media”.  Greg is a founder and managing partner of bigMETHOD, an agency that specializes in user engagement in the social media space. Prior to starting bigMETHOD in the beginning of 2008, his professional career has been focused on developing awareness for celebrities, brands, and products through the internet and strategic partnerships. After starting as an intern in Interscope/Geffen’s New Media Department in 2000, Greg spent 8 years at the center of the new music industry – working his way up through the new media departments of IGA and Virgin/Immortal to become the New Media Director Suretone Records and finally Custard Records. His time in the industry was part of a living education in the world of online consumer engagement and served as the foundation for Greg’s contribution in the creation of bigMETHOD.

This is just the highlights of Greg’s talk.  To view the entire talk click here.

Efren Toscano

Efren Toscano founded TechZulu in the heart of Southern California: Orange County. Focused on providing a platform to showcase all that is happening here in the tech and media space. TechZulu is rapidly growing to be the hub for Southern California technology companies news source. Efren has been chosen as one of LA Weekly's People of 2009 and selected as a Top 20 MostPublic Individuals in Los Angeles in Tech and Biz by NowPublic. He divides his time between San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles and tech events around the US.

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