CES 2014 | Staff Picks

Jan 09, 2014 • CES, Events, Gadgets
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CES 2014The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas boasts more than 3,200 exhibitors, 300 sessions, and 152,000+ attendees from 150 countries. Overwhelmed yet? Well don’t be, because we’ve done the hard work for you. Here are some of our top staff picks thus far from CES 2014.

Jigabot AIMe:  Jigabot has jumped into the action video segment with their new motorized mount called AIMe.  Created by filmmakers and video enthusiasts, Jigabot’s team wanted to create a device that would help people catch all the action, while not personally missing any of it.  AIMe helps pan (360 degrees) and tilt (120 degrees) a camera, camcorder, smartphone, or even a GoPro to capture your surroundings.

AIMe is paired with the IR-device, EmIT, which lets AIMe track a subject for a certain distance.  Depending on the size of EmIT, the range can vary from 150 feet to covering football fields and  race tracks.  Multiple AIMes can be used to track a subject, giving users multiple angles to capture.  AIMe is available for $299 including various mounts in the summer.

ScoobaiRobot Scooba 450:  The iRobot Scooba 450 was unveiled at CES.  A bigger version of its predecessor, the Scooba 450 boasts more cleaning power and a bigger price tag at $599.99.  The Scooba 450 will tackle the same chores you would do with a mop and bucket in hand.  The Scooba has two settings for cleaning floors: 20 min. for rooms around 150 sq. ft. and 40 min. for larger rooms around 300 sq. ft.

Unlike its vacuum brother Roomba, the Scooba has a two-step process for mopping floors. First, the Scooba picks up dirt and other debris and leaves a trail of water or special solution for the floor to soak up.  Then the Scooba comes in for a second run squeegeeing the floor while sucking up excess fluid left on the floor.  There is a container where clean water/special soap and dirty water is stored.

The Scooba will require a little more maintenance than a Roomba.  It needs to be emptied every time it finishes and be cleaned to prevent any mold and other unwanted microbes from building up under the Scooba.  A separate accessory called the “Dry Dock” ($79.99) lets users mount the Scooba vertically to be cleaned from any mold and other microbial to build up.

With a high price point, it may not reach as many households as iRobot would like.  But it will make cleaning less tedious and save time for other errands.

3dXYZprinting da Vinci 1.0:  Priced at $499, the da Vinci 1.0 is a 3D printer for the mainstream consumer. XYZprinting is looking to supply households and small businesses without requiring them to cough up extra money or sacrifice quality 3D prints and materials.

The printer itself is a very simple design that requires no assembly at all.  You can plug it in and start printing right out of the box.  XYZprinting set up a cloud storage system where various 3D models will be available for the community.  New or existing 3D models can also be customized and uploaded with new designs for other to use and share.

The 3D model’s dimensions are printed at 20cm x 20 cm x 20cm and use ABS and PLA plastics, which also come in multiple colors.  XYZprinting was also showing off the da Vinci 2.0 and 2.1, which feature two extruders for two-tone color 3D models.  The size is a bit smaller (15x20x20) and the price is increased, but not enough to deter average household users.  Everyone can pick one up in the Spring.

The example models XYZprinting had on display were sturdy and detailed.  The price makes da Vinci 1.0 an exceptional 3D printer with great quality for any personal use and small business owner.

fitnessTAO Wellness:  Wearable technology is a huge business in the fitness sector.  TAO Wellness wants to stand out from the sea of fitness tech with the WellShell, a pocket-sized device for various isometric exercises.

It’s a button-less, tilt navigation design coupled with a heart rate monitor and other data tracking capabilities.  The WellShell is used by applying pressure to the device for short period of times to create isometric exercises.  It’s even coupled to an app (available for both Android or iOS) that provides various exercises and coaches users.

A lot of data is available for users to input.  Calories, heart rate, goals, and even sleep can all be tracked through the WellShell.  For the fitness freaks who don’t mind carrying extra weight to work or on a plane trip will have good use for the WellShell.  No date release was given, but expect the price to be somewhere around $200-$300.

basketballInfoMotion 94Fifty Smart Sensor Basketball:  94Fifty Sensor Basketball provides a digital coach to those looking to improve on their basketball skills.  A regulation weight and size basketball is outfitted with nine sensors to determine various data points such as angle and spin.  Real-time data is provided through your smartphone via an app (iOS only) and can help determine the next steps for improving your shots or dribbles.  The Smart Sensor Basketball even lets you compete with others by choosing different types of competitions and drills.

Since it is only available for the iOS, it does prevent a lot of people who own Android, Windows, or even RIMM phones from owning one of these basketballs.  Priced at $299.95, the 94Fifty is a great way to get groups of children or adults to learn and practice basketball with very little help from others.

Stay tuned for more updates from CES!

Alex Bae

A University of California, Santa Barbara graduate. Has a love relationship with photography, technology, and writing. Always looking forward to new creative innovations and writing.

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