Contxts Comes to the Rescue When You are Out of Biz Cards

Apr 13, 2009 • Culture
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I’ve been getting a lot of “What is this?  This is awesome!” lately and it is all because I have no business cards.  So I decided to let you all know of an amazing product called Contxts.  It is currently in public ‘alpha’, the service lets you share contact details using just your mobile phone and an SMS.  There is lots of great features coming out but for now Contxts does the basics and it does them well.

You can register via your mobile phone by texting “Join” your first/last name + email to 50500, then going to the Contxts website and editing your info later, or just go directly to the site and signup there.  Once you’ve registered (for free) on the Contxts site, people will be able to request your details by simply sending your username to 50500. The service replies with the 140-character business card you set up – normally just a name, address and phone number. Another nice touch is that the Contxts website notes each request for your card – noting usernames if the requester’s phone is already registered with the service – letting you keep track of who’s getting your number. You can also send your profile to any other phone number from your registered phone by just texting ‘send’ followed by the recipient’s number. Its just that easy!

I’ve been using it and it has been a lifesaver on many of occasions.  Definitely give them a look and keep in mind that they are in public Alpha. Contxts is a service you should keep in eye on and expect some tremendous growth if they stay on top of their game.

Efren Toscano

Efren Toscano founded TechZulu in the heart of Southern California: Orange County. Focused on providing a platform to showcase all that is happening here in the tech and media space. TechZulu is rapidly growing to be the hub for Southern California technology companies news source. Efren has been chosen as one of LA Weekly's People of 2009 and selected as a Top 20 MostPublic Individuals in Los Angeles in Tech and Biz by NowPublic. He divides his time between San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles and tech events around the US.

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