CrowdSync | Uniting Concert Videos Together

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CrowdSyncGoing to concerts are fun and memorable times for everyone.  Reliving those times are hard however, knowing either you or a few people posted their videos on YouTube or any other online video service and searching can be a chore.  CrowdSync is going to change and revolutionize the way we can bring all those concert memories back.

Join CrowdSync either using Facebook or through email and get all the features available to post and view videos from music lovers everywhere.  Share, like, and get notifications on videos and events alike.  Follow and join other fellow CrowdSync fans finding and attending new events every day.  View and save all the events that have been uploaded and new ones are posted every day.

Concert lovers now have a chance to share and view videos in one of the coolest and innovated ways to watch uploaded events.  Videos are shared by users and/or by concert organizers to provide as much videos as possible.  Upload a video through the CrowdSync app and the app does the rest.  No video editing mastery is needed; just a steady hand and a great camera and you are all set to go.  The best part is, CrowdSync actually syncs up every video users upload from the same concert and lets you stream and view in multiple angles seamlessly.  The app syncs each video through a unique algorithm and puts together a show that provides a unique way to watch the concert.

videosThis allows viewers new perspectives and innovative ways to watch and listen to their favorite bands played in previous concerts.  The video feed is split into four quadrants and each quadrant can be chosen to be viewed independently.  At the swipe of a finger, you can seamlessly view different camera perspectives instantly with no lag at all.  Users can zoom by pinching the screen and vice versa to get a clearer picture.

IMG_0049It’s like flipping through cable channels that are appointed a new camera angle and allows you to be your own director.  The app also has a “Timeline” feature (not to be confused with Facebook) which allows users to see which videos are playing, choose which video to watch, and see how long each video is.  Some videos consist of the full length of the concert, while others are short clips that allow viewers to view the concert in multiple angles.

CrowdSync’s slogan is, “Relive Live Events”, and it’s true to its word.  It’s like watching a TV production of a concert and the app is easy to use.  For now, CrowdSync is still a fledgling app and the community is growing everyday.  The future is bright for CrowdSync as there can be new possibilities to watch concerts.  Maybe one day, CrowdSync allows live streaming from multiple angles and thousands or even millions of fans can join in and comment in on the event.  Who knows what the future beholds, but either way you can’t deny what CrowdSync has to offer for music lovers all over the world.

Stop by CrowdSync’s web page to see what the fuss is all about.  Or go try CrowdSync now!

Alex Bae

A University of California, Santa Barbara graduate. Has a love relationship with photography, technology, and writing. Always looking forward to new creative innovations and writing.

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