HealthShoppr for Smart Healthcare

Aug 11, 2008 • Startups
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Most of us can relate to the hassles we go through with healthcare – attempting to make doctor’s appointments in advance, results in having to wait weeks to get in, sitting in the waiting room for an hour, and all of this only to see the doctor for ten minutes.  Vijay Goel is hoping to change this patient experience through  His site is like the Expedia for healthcare, which offers a cash pay model for the consumer to purchase services, completely independent of insurance companies.  Users can go to the site, review prescreened providers offering the service they are seeking and decide which is right for them based on such factors as price, user reviews, service, quality and more.  Since services are purchased directly from the site, this helps to free up the doctor’s time so they have less paperwork to deal with, allowing more time to spend with the patient.


Goel says that with healthcare, the consumer does not really know what they are getting in terms of service and quality when seeking out services and that’s why having access to a health insurance agent near me can be great for this.  He used the example of Wal-Mart and Bloomingdale’s, where the consumer knows what each offers in terms of product, service, and other such factors.  With his site, the user is able to look up and purchase services based on their preferences.

All service providers are prescreened, including background and criminal checks.  The provider is also able and encouraged to upload license information, professional certifications, and school credentials.  The site is and is expected to launch by the end of the year for consumers.

Efren Toscano

Efren Toscano founded TechZulu in the heart of Southern California: Orange County. Focused on providing a platform to showcase all that is happening here in the tech and media space. TechZulu is rapidly growing to be the hub for Southern California technology companies news source. Efren has been chosen as one of LA Weekly's People of 2009 and selected as a Top 20 MostPublic Individuals in Los Angeles in Tech and Biz by NowPublic. He divides his time between San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles and tech events around the US.

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