Innovation Crush | How Indiegogo Stays at the Forefront of Crowdfunding

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“Innovation to me is audacity.  Having the balls to listen to yourself and say  ‘I see something that can be better, and f*ck it, I’m going to do it’.”  –Adam Chapnick

Innovation-Crush-Adam-ChapnickThe more technology draws us closer to each other, the more we find that the proverbial “American Dream” no longer resides only in America.  All around the world, individuals are empowering one another to do the incredible.   Whether solving the word’s ecological problems, building new technologies, creating local businesses, entertaining the masses, or even providing the world with Miley Cyrus t-shirts; the global economy of opportunity is growing by leaps and bounds.

Thanks to crowdfunding, every day there are 1000’s of transactions taking place to help bring people’s greatest – and sometimes weirdest – ideas to life.  At the forefront of the young industry, we find Adam Chapnick from Indiegogo, the godfather brand in the crowdfunding business.  Adam’s unique blend of Tasmanian Devil-like enthusiasm, extreme business smarts, and limitless creative ideas, make him the ideal evangelist for both Indiegogo as well as the crowdfunding movement.  So much so that, “Evangelist” is his actual job title.

As Adam breaks it down on Innovation Crush, the very idea of funding from a number of different sources (familiar and unknown) is nothing new, and goes back as far as society itself.  However, during the interview, he lets us in on how technology has drastically changed the game.   Along the way, he also dispels a plethora of industry myths, let’s us in on his own personal philosophies about the world, and continues his mission of bringing the word to the people about how to be successful in crowdfunding.

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Chris Denson

Chris Denson is a long time idea-maker whose career has spanned media creation, marketing, strategy, and product innovation. He has worked across many verticals from fashion to entertainment, technology, gaming, and cultural arts. As host of Innovation Crush, he explores the "who" and "how" behind some of the world's most compelling innovations. Subscribe to Innovation Crush via Soundcloud or iTunes.

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