Why You Will Not Do Without Your iPhone
Apple has been working hard to get you hooked on your iPhone, that’s if you have one.
A new survey from Gazelle released on the iPhone’s 5th birthday claims more consumers are hooked on the iPhone than on Facebook, Sex, and even alcohol with the iPhone having a tremendous impact on thousands of its consumers.
The survey sampled more than 1,000 Gazelle customers who have traded in at least one iPhone participated, it showed that 65 % of consumers truly can’t do without the iPhone while only 1% report not being able to do without Facebook. Still from the survey, nearly 15% of respondents said they’d rather give up sex than go for a weekend without their iPhone. (This survey does not rubbish the popularity of Facebook, the addiction to Sex or Alcohol, the iPhone is just getting hotter).
“It’s amazing to think about how much the iPhone has changed consumers’ lives in just five short years,” said Anthony Scarsella, Gazelle’s chief gadget officer.
According to Gazelle, a high-end consumer electronics trade-in site which upgrades consumers used electronic devices, the iPhone 5 can store more than 500,000 Apple-approved apps and having sold more than 4 million units in its first weekend on the market the iphone is popular. Dependency on iPhone is reaching uncharted territory as consumers are more than willing to make all kinds of sacrifices to stick to “the Jesus phone”.
Remember when we used to carry around cameras, ipod’s or mp3 players, such days are no more. iPhone addiction has reduced our bulk, nearly 70% of survey respondents report giving up their iPod or mp3 player since purchasing an iPhone. 55 percent have ditched their camera, and over 40% have gotten rid of their GPS unit since buying an iPhone. Consumers have been able to reduce the number of devices they own,thanks to the iPhone’s diverse capabilities.
However, as the iPhone gets popularly addictive, something else is going on. The iPhone is getting personal by the day and due to our private texts or chats. According to the survey nearly 85% of respondents report having used their iPhone while in the bathroom and nearly 4% used their iPhone while having sex. Let alone several other personal stuff kept in the dark.
But though we love the iPhone, the report also claims it’s ruining our manners. Over 25% of survey respondents claimed to unconsciously use their iPhone when they shouldn’t, such as during a family meal, party, forums or meetings and at times with negative perception from the social group they are in and even more worrying is that close to 58% of respondents claimed to frequently use the iPhone in a social setting.
Away from the addiction, 40 % of the consumers want their next iPhone to have a larger screen. However Apple may not be listening to them as rumors of the next iPhone might not be as expected.