Jason Nazar Is Just Giving It Away!
Jason Nazar CEO of Docstoc put on a great talk on mistakes people make before starting a new business. The house was packed and I’m’ not too sure if people on the waiting list were able to get in (free event and being able to hear and meet top VC’s from the area how could you not attend). This conversation was an in depth look at the pitfalls that arise both before we start businesses and while they are in the start-up phase. Writing this in a harsh/comical way was a bit refreshing from most talks put on. Fully admitting that he himself has made most of these mistakes Jason is putting it all out there and helping you the entrepreneur out. If you have the time and even if you don’t I suggest making some time and definitely attending the next talk Jason is giving away.
TechZulu will have the entire talk up soon for all your viewing pleasure.