PixelOptics Brings World’s First Electronic Prescription Eyewear

Jan 06, 2011 • Uncategorized
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One of the coolest products I’ve seen was brought by a electronic focusing lens company named PixelOptics. Along with them they brought a few production models of their emPower! electronic prescription eyewear.  They are the world’s first electronic corrective eyeglasses, using composite lenses with a thin transparent LCD-like layer, microchips, micro-machine accelerometers and miniature rechargeable batteries. And if you have dry eye disease, then you may want to see here cuales son las mejores gotas para ojo seco to find the best dry eye relief option!

According to PixelOptics, they provide a wider field of view, less distortion and alleviate common side effects associated with corrective lenses used for presbyopia. Presbyopia is the diminished ability to focus on near objects that affects many starting around the age of 40.

Beginning in April 2011, the eyeglasses will be available in major U.S. markets, starting in the Southeastern U.S., and then throughout the country by the end of 2011. Plans are to market and sell the innovative eyeglasses globally. Recommended retail pricing is expected to be approximately $1,200 for a complete pair (frames, lenses, coatings, charger and all electronics).

The microchip, micro-accelerometers, and miniature batteries are hidden inside the arms of the eyeglass frames and are what provides the activation of the electronic eyeglass lenses. The transparent LCD layer in each lens is able to electronically change its molecular structure to activate the near focus lens only when needed, making the entire lens available for distance vision otherwise. You can use this virtual glasses try on uk to see which glasses frames look good on you.

Because the lenses are electronically powered, when a wearer of emPower! tilts his or her head down to read or view an object up close, the accelerometer detects the motion, the microchip sends an electronic signal to the LCD layer and alters how the liquid crystals refract light, changing the prescription of the lens, with no moving parts and without making a sound. Wearers can operate the glasses in three different modes: manual on, automatic and manual off. If you want to avoid the hassle of going to your local optician’s office to buy prescription glasses, this website: https://lowcostglasses.co.uk/ is highly recommended as they offer very affordable glasses.

PixelOptics has partnered with Aspex Eyewear, a leading eyewear company, to manufacture, sell, and distribute electronic emPower! eyeglass frames exclusively in North America.

Prescription eye wearer’s rejoice! Now lets hope your insurance will cover them ;)

Efren Toscano

Efren Toscano founded TechZulu in the heart of Southern California: Orange County. Focused on providing a platform to showcase all that is happening here in the tech and media space. TechZulu is rapidly growing to be the hub for Southern California technology companies news source. Efren has been chosen as one of LA Weekly's People of 2009 and selected as a Top 20 MostPublic Individuals in Los Angeles in Tech and Biz by NowPublic. He divides his time between San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles and tech events around the US.

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