Streaming Live From The Foresight Conference
TechZulu will be streaming live from the Foresight 2010 conference this coming Saturday and Sunday January 16-17. Day one will be streamed from 8:45am-5:00pm. Day two will be from 8:45am-3:00pm. The Conference will be focused on Synergy of Molecular Manufacturing and general Artificial Intelligence. They’ve had some amazing speakers in the past such as X-Prize Foundation Founder and Chairman Peter H. Diamandis, Aubrey de Grey, and many more amazing minds of the world. Here are just a few of the confirmed speakers for this year:
Hod Lipson
Cornell University
Larry Millstein
Millen, White, Zelano & Branigan, PC
Paul Saffo
Stanford University
Kartik Gada
Reliance GP
Salim Ismail
Executive Director, Singularity University
From the Site:
“Several rapidly-developing technologies have the potential to undergo an exponential takeoff in the next few decades, causing as much of an impact on economy and society as the computer and networking did in the past few. Chief among these are molecular manufacturing and artificial general intelligence (AGI). Key in the takeoff phenomenon will be the establishment of strong positive feedback loops within and between the technologies. Positive feedback loops leading to exponential growth are nothing new to economic systems. At issue is the value of the exponent: since the Industrial Revolution, economies have expanded at rates of up to 7% per year; however, computing capability has been expanding at rates up to 70% per year, in accordance with Moore’s Law. If manufacturing and intellectual work shifted into this mode, the impact on the economy and society would be profound. The purpose of this symposium is to examine the mechanisms by which this might happen, and its likely effects.”
Make sure to mark your calendar’s for two amazing days of mind expansion.