Author Archive: David Glenn

As the technology world keeps moving forward at a quick pace it’s hard for people to keep up. There is one thing certain though, little technologies are changing our lives quicker than we ever imagined. For instance did you know that just five years ago most people didn’t use smart phones?

Do you have a great tech company idea but you’re a bit new to entrepreneurship? Working at your company but want to break off to start your own? I’ve been there and I can tell you right now that while it’s great, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. Please don’t get discouraged by these difficulties, starting a business is always hard, but it can be one of the most rewarding things you ever do.

The Internet of Things (IoT) once existed as a nameless concept, yet today we have front row seats to its neigh inevitable rise from abstraction to ubiquity. As with any field of technologies that grows at such a pace, its large-scale application will be tested in every possible way.