Bringing Cancer Awareness Support Online

Oct 28, 2011 • Uncategorized
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We’ve all at some point in our lives have helped support a cause. Whether it was for our own personal morale, a last minute tax write off, or to support a loved one. It’s human nature to help others in some way, some how. Thanks to the growth of the internet we’re able to show that support even greater.

In our off-line lives, people show support daily by sporting branded clothing, silicon bands, or even pins. Our athletes show their support during the month. It’s probably one of my favorite things with sports in October. It’s a great feeling to turn on any football game and see a player like Ochocinco sprinting down the field in bright pink shoes. And or course America’s favorite past time, baseball has made great efforts in helping support for cancer awareness with a partnership with Stand Up To Cancer.

Online we show our support in a more virtual light. We send emails, tweets, posts on Facebook, or donations through websites like Kid Are Heros or Keep A Breast. But why can’t we take those same methods we do offline and bring them online?

This month we lost a great visionary in the tech world. Someone who showed us more inspiring things than we’ll ever realize in our own time here. However one thing Jobs left us with was the importance of cancer research and the help it can provide to those in need. After news broke about Jobs’ passing, Hello Bar released a special edition cause Hello Bar in memory of Jobs and giving website owners a place to show their further support and donate to cancer research with the LIVESTRONG foundation. It’s a bright yellow web toolbar that rest a top of your website and is open for anyone to place on their website, free of charge. Following the trend an all pink Hello Bar was created to support Breast Cancer Awareness.

Think of these web toolbars as your web applications or website’s own wristband. Just like the yellow or pink band on your wrist right now. The notification bar is free for anyone to place on their websites for all long as desired. The instructions are easy and are laid out on Hello Bar’s blog. The message will always stay the same. If you want to show more support and change the message or direct visitors to your own foundations, you’ll just need to signup for a free account.

It’s a great way to help continuing to support the causes no matter your reasoning.

*Disclaimer – I work for Digital Telepathy, owner/creator of Hello Bar. This is not a marketing/pitch post, we just want to help support the cause. 

Kyle Ellicott

Co-Founder of @EventifyMe, CEO of @Codeita and Heavy Cloud Media Group. I have a strong love and passion for startups. Some say I’m a serial entrepreneur, coder, idea creator, and a nice guy.

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