
There are a multitude of wearable devices on the market. Health trackers, location devices, smartwatches, etc., etc. However, many of these devices are made for individuals and nothing stands out as a family device. Sync Smartband wants to add another device to the wearable market, but with an emphasis on family, safety, and health.

The constant fear of being alone in certain situations can create some problems. Even the thought of one of your loved ones alone can strike uneasiness at times. Thanks to the ever-growing landscape of technology, the ability to have a personal warning/emergency caller is available for anyone in need. Silent Beacon is creating a device by changing the infrastructure of personal alarm systems without the user shelling out tons of cash to own one.

Two Tap for consumers is more like Google Wallet, but much simpler than that. Which is nice for buying anything from a Two Tap affiliated store. However, Google Wallet has more features than Two Tap can manage. But again, Two Tap is looking to simplify things, not complicate things.

There have been many business gaining the good, the bad, and the controversial press from social media. But how many businesses know who their actual followers are? Do they ever keep track of any of them? Social Rank 2.0 thinks businesses should worry who their followers are.

With lots of people converging on the social media arena to engage, connect, and share with people wherever they may be, emphasis is put on quick exchanges of messages. And this gives way for mobile messaging apps.

Phones are an integral part of business. Without it, the business wouldn’t have a way to connect with each other and their customers. However, phone systems have been clunky or very hard to integrate into a business and the costs to buy and upkeep the system adds to the problem. Vonjour brings their cloud-based phone systems for business and looks to upgrade business call systems everywhere.

Through simple design, extensive sensing mechanism research, and behavioral science principles, Moving Analytics is carving out its own innovative niche in a heavily competitive space by providing a simple solution for highly sedentary people.

Humans have a tendency to forget things easily, especially when it comes to meeting new people and remembering old friends from the past. Technology helps us keep in contact and up-to-date with many – if not all – those we have met, thanks to sites like Facebook and LinkedIn. Our phone contacts however does none of that. Our phonebook only holds so much information that our contact is reduced to just a name and number. Humin looks to be the app to fix that.

American Airlines and Wearable World are proud to announce the completion of the world’s first connected traveler hackathon. The event, which took place between New York’s John F. Kennedy Airport (JFK) and San Francisco International Airport (SFO) featured collaborative work among hundreds of app developers, hardware providers and technology partners to showcase the future of wearable technology for the connected traveler.

Crowdfunding has grown to new heights, thanks to platforms such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo. And speaking of Indiegogo, AssetAvenue acquired one of the biggest names in the crowdfunding industry, Adam Chapnick. His expertise will only help solidify AssetAvenue’s business model and provide growth and insight in the crowdfunding industry.