ChatWork | A New Way to Do Business

May 13, 2013 • Business, Business, Infographic, Startups
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chatCloud systems technology is finding its way onto every online application nowadays.  The freedom to not be bound to a specific system can make life much easier for individuals and groups alike.  ChatWork is implementing the cloud system in their collaboration platform for businesses and individuals to help stay connected and updated.  They also believe that instant messaging is the key to keeping in touch, instead of email which wastes time and money.

According to an infograph ChatWork released, email does not only waste a lot of time to look at, but also wastes a lot of money for companies.  ChatWork uses this information and built a system where instant messaging is one of the main ways to stay connected with others.  No more spam to sift through and stay relevant with important information.  ChatWork also implements their cloud storage system, just like the enterprise cloud storage found online, for users to share files online, no matter where they may be.  Users are able upload up to 25GB securely online and always have a backup of the files needed, allowing others to share files at anytime and anywhere.

appVideo chat is also a becoming a main staple in business communication.  ChatWork allows you to instantly talk live with another person or hold a meeting from anywhere and at any time.  What’s also great about all these features are that they are all available on ChatWork’s mobile app.  With both iOS and Android versions ready, users can connect on the phone and tablets without being stuck at home or in an office to connect with others.  The mobile app also has push notifications whenever the user is mentioned in a chat or received a private message.

The instant messaging, video chats, cloud storage, and mobile apps are all free of charge to try out and to increase cloud storage and the number of users, pricing starts off at $3.99 a month.  There are no long-term contracts, just a simple monthly payment.  ChatWork wants a simple and hassle-free experience for users to run their businesses much more efficiently.

infographChatWork wants to revolutionize how businesses and individuals are connected.  When businesses need another form of communicating, ChatWork believes that their system will be the winning formula.  According to ChatWork, they are adding 15,000 new users every month and that just shows ChatWork has a system that simply works.  For ChatWork to grow a larger community, it needs to start implementing more features and refining current available features as well.  As of now, the future already looks bright for ChatWork  and things can only get better.

Go check out the mobile app for the iOS and Android.

Alex Bae

A University of California, Santa Barbara graduate. Has a love relationship with photography, technology, and writing. Always looking forward to new creative innovations and writing.

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