David Robinson Talks About Microsoft Sql Server in the Cloud
What happens when you all your slides fail your microphone doesn’t work and then the projector turns off right before you do your presentation? This is just the start of a great conversation that Geoffrey Emery has with David Robinson at the PDC Underground. Dave just lets it all out and more when he talks about cloud computing and what a exciting time it is to be in the windows family. He is currently working on a new technology at Microsoft called SDS SQL Data Services a program at Microsoft that will eventually put SQL server in the cloud. David also brings up how to do bring the cloud computing to your boss in a way that would be easy for everyone to understand.
Putting the pieces together Microsoft is coming out with some really interesting technologies for cloud computing that is not just a database in the cloud but also hosting of your web site either by spinning up a new server instance and launching it in the cloud or by actually deploying your code into the cloud automatically by using Visual Studio development platform and eliminating the need for the developer to know the ins and outs of IIS for those who don’t need it.
Links in the video
David’s Blog – http://blogs.msdn.com/drobinson/
Windows Azure – http://azure.com
SQL Server Data Services (SDS) – http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/sqlserver/dataservices/default.aspx
Visual Studio – http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vstudio/default.aspx
Microsoft Could Computing – http://azure.com
IIS – http://www.iis.net/