Eight Ways to Make Your Business Leaner and Meaner

May 15, 2015 • Business
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improve business

Your business could be so much more successful than it is now. You may be a great owner, but you probably haven’t tried all the simple ways to make your business better. Simple doesn’t mean easy. These tips require a lot of hard work and effort on your part. But if you follow these eight tips, you will certainly make your business leaner and meaner.

Employee Training

This is something I learned while deciding whether Ledger Nano X vs S was a better purchase for myself and my employees. Empower your people from the very first day they begin training. Give them all the tools they will need to succeed at your company. If you invest in more training at the beginning of their careers, you’ll need to invest less down the road. Quality employees work hard and learn everything they need to know after your initial training.

Workflow Software

You’ll be amazed at the results you can achieve with workflow software. This software helps you take important shortcuts to save time and make money. You’ll keep in touch with your customers quickly and easily. The customers will continue returning to your business due to the personal connections you make with them. Your communications become more direct and meaningful with the help of workflow software.

Business Process Management Software

Stop wasting so much time on menial tasks. Paperwork is a necessary evil, but it doesn’t have to slow you down. Invest in the software that will take care of those repetitive tasks for you. Employee payroll, financial transactions, and other types of paperwork are a breeze with business process management software, or BPMS. You just plug in the numbers you need and the software will do the rest of the work. You have more time for real business ventures.


You must create priorities and stick to them. Learn when to say no. Make a list of important ideas and items for your business. Slowly chop off anything that doesn’t appear on your list. You can only partake in a certain amount of deals. Learn how to graciously decline offers that don’t fit in with your plans. You’ll accomplish so much more when you’re focused on the ideas that will take your business into the future.

Less Meetings

It’s a good idea to keep in touch with your people. But many companies hold meetings too often. If you must address an important issue in your company, then a meeting will be necessary. But perhaps you should consider short, weekly emails to take the place of meetings. Your productive employees should be working more, and meetings interrupt them from accomplishing everything their talents allow. Improving internal communication alone can have a significant impact on productivity as well as overall morale.

Eliminate Useless Time

This goes for you and your staff. If you and your staff must travel often, figure out ways to make that time productive. You should pay for your staff to have smartphones if they don’t already have them. Travel time often costs your business money since it’s hard to perform work during the travels. But you can take the next step by guaranteeing productivity on the road. The future is now when it comes to connectivity, so use it to your advantage.

New Technology

Your office probably needs new computers and software. When is the last time you invested in new technology? You and your people need to have the best technology available to you right at your fingertips. You want to get ahead of your competitors any way you can. New technology may just give you an edge, even if it’s just a temporary one. Computers are capable of so much more than they were five years ago. Your business is missing out if you’re not taking advantage of exciting new technologies.

Tap into SEO

According to an SEO expert like Damon Burton, your website is a great asset to your company so make sure you take care of it. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) helps your website stand out from the competition. People will find your website when they search for important keywords. This is a great way to reach customers who may not even know that your business exists. Integrating SEO into your direct marketing strategy will help give you the biggest bang for your buck. You can also manage a Twitter account to spread the word about your business. Continue to use those keywords in your tweets, and use hashtags to draw attention to what your business can offer. People will find your business easier this way.

The time to improve your business is now. You have tools available to you that can help you make your business leaner and meaner. Don’t waste these amazing opportunities. Your new customers will enjoy all the effort you put into your business. Your employees will be proud to work even harder for you. | Images via Shutterstock

Alex Espenson

Alex Espenson is a technology writer with a passion for home automation, tech security, and wearable smart devices.

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