Facebook Partners With OpenTable To Up Restaurant Reviews

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opentable-FacebookFacebook has today partnered with OpenTable to allow users book tables via a Facebook app dubbed Facebook Pages for restaurants.

According to Facebook,”The update represents a new way of discovering and booking great dining experiences, all within the Facebook mobile app. There’s no need to visit a separate mobile site or open a separate app.”

Available on Facebook Mobile pages

The new service will be available on the Facebook mobile Pages for more than 20,000 OpenTable restaurant customers across North America.

Launched in 1998, OpenTable is an online restaurant reservations with over 12 million diners per month via online bookings across approximately 28,000 restaurants. OpenTable enables diners to see which restaurants have available tables, select a restaurant based on verified diner reviews, menus and other helpful information, and easily book a reservation. Since its inception in 1998, OpenTable has seated more than 490 million diners around the world.

OpenTable partners with Urbanspoon

The OpenTable app updates automatically and there’s no additional signup or registration required by users.

Last month OpenTable partnered with Urbanspoon to provide restaurant reservations in North America and also acquired Rezbook, Urbanspoon’s reservation management system for restaurants.

TV and Movie Pages

Facebook also announced a new app for mobile listings on TV and movie pages to help users find shows and movies easily. The new feature will provide the listings on Facebook pages.

“For people that use iOS, Facebook will display TV listing information on US primetime TV and movie Pages. Listings will be based on your current time zone and include the channel name, air time and a description of the show or movie playing, meaning that the listings that exist in cable box guides, magazines and newspapers are now conveniently located on the Facebook Pages of peoples’ favorite shows,” Facebook announced.

Sam Wakoba

Sam Wakoba travels around the world's technology hubs and events writing about startups, VC’ s and ventures. Spends nights reviewing trending gadgets, ICT initiatives, and disrupting technology.

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