my6sense: Bringing Digital Intuition To Your Streams
Filters are a thing of the past when you have “Digital Intuition”. No longer will you need to check mark those boxes on what you have interest in. With my6sense they simply want you to plug in your streams and let it do the work for you. my6sense intelligently filters your content from Twitter, Facebook and RSS streams according to your online behavior. Over time the applications learns your preferences and helps cut down on the information overload.
my6sense is not being greedy with their technology either they want everyone to use it even other applications. So they have developed an API that lets third party developers tamp into the my6sense service and provide the same highly personalized content streams. my6sense launched its “Attention API” at DEMOspring 2010 and will be in closed beta for select partners over the next several months.
We had a chance to catch up with Barak Hachamov of my6sense during DEMOspring. Barak goes over a few key features of the application along with where they plan on going in the future.
I really enjoy seeing innovation like this and am excited about how well it might filter my streams. Give it a shot if it seems interesting to you. Download the my6sense iPhone app from the Apps Store. We would love for you to share your experience by leaving a comment below.