ParkMe & INRIX Partner During The 2013 Consumer Electronics Show To Help Drivers Outsmart Parking

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Parkme_CESSanta Monica based ParkMe has partnered with INRIX, a leading international provider of traffic information and driver services to help drivers outsmart parking.

ParkMe, a leading provider of dynamic and real-time parking data will  bring its real-time and static Parking expertise and car navigation systems to INRIX.

According to their partnership, INRIX will source data from ParkMe’s database of more than 18,000 parking facilities in North America both for in-car and mobile use.

ParkMe will join hands with INRIX to utilise their traffic information, directions and driver services, apps and intelligent traffic tools to power solutions to the traffic sector rapidly. ParkMe has of late been in many such strategic partnerships to expand its network and database.

Most recently, the company launched partnerships in various cities to bring its real-time parking solution to including in Los Angeles,Santa Monica,Austin and  Washington D.C.

During ParkMe’s LA partnership, Sam Friedman, CEO and co-founder of ParkMe said that new technology is set to solve problems like city parking.

Friedman said:

“It has been an incredible experience working with the city of Los Angeles to further our mission and provide the best parking solution for drivers, helping them park quickly and more efficiently through intelligent, real-time information.”

ParkMe is still dedicated on seeing more benefit from their technology. To do that, they have built the world’s most comprehensive parking database in more than 25,000 worldwide locations, collecting and aggregating data about both on-street and off-street parking. Through its efforts and partnerships, ParkMe expects to improve navigation by fundamentally changing the way drivers search for parking.

To see the demo of ParkMe mobile app, Sam Friedman will be available onsite at the 2013 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) and will also talk about the great things ParkMe and as well as provide information about the partnership.

Sam Wakoba

Sam Wakoba travels around the world's technology hubs and events writing about startups, VC’ s and ventures. Spends nights reviewing trending gadgets, ICT initiatives, and disrupting technology.

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