Rotate that Photo with RotoPhoto
You see you favorite actor at a coffee shop, whip out your iPhone to snap a photo and tweet about it. But, then come to find in all your haste you were holding your iPhone wrong and your favorite actor has left the building. Well, you can either send out that photo and have everyone tilting their heads to view the picture correctly or you can use RotoPhoto to correct it. As the creator of the app states, “RotoPhoto does one thing and does it well, it rotates your photos on your iPhone.” Because we all know that having a function on the iPhone already do this for you is a bit much to ask for.
Thanks to Josh Highland the creator of the app, you no longer have to worry about which way you are holding your photo the next time you snap a one. You can grab this app here in the Itunes store. Here is a video of the app in action: