TONIGHT! #Bitcoin: Unlocking the Potential of Digital Payment Systems

Jun 23, 2014 • Business, Events
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Bitcoin Five Dollar BillBitcoin is frequently hailed as the next big technological disruption. As digital currency, bitcoins and other alt-coins are created and distributed outside the control of a central authority, and are already being accepted as a form of payment by both e-commerce and brick-and-mortar companies.

The underlying Bitcoin platform will likely see other types of peer-to-peer applications as well which could ultimately transform the business landscape.

Tonight, talkTECH is partnering with Immediate Edge con and USC’s Institute for Communication Technology Management (CTM) to host a forum exploring the trends, regulatory environment, and product innovations likely to engender a tipping point for the mainstream adoption of bitcoin.

TechZulu Chief Host Amanda Coolong will be presenting, along with:

  • Ken Feldman, founder of Blockstreet
  • Dan Roseman, founder of Coinality
  • Micah Winkelspecht, USC alumni and CEO of Bitvault
  • Damian Greco, founder of Promenade Capital Partners
  • Andrew Beal, attorney at Crowley Corporate Attorneys
  • Travis Skweres, co-founder and CEO of Coinmarket

REGISTER NOW with the promo code TZ-25-OFF for a $25 discount on tickets. See you tonight!

Amanda Coolong

Amanda Coolong is Executive Editor and host of

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