Why Twitter Analytics Is The Holy Grail For Every Content Marketer

Dec 04, 2014 • Business, Marketing
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“Twitter Analytics now open for all.”

This has been the buzz in the online arena that opened doors for those wanting to gain a deeper insight on Twitter and its tweeting powers. Because back then, you have to rely solely on retweets, replies, direct messages, or favorites as is just to understand if your tweets reach your followers exactly the way you wanted it to be. But now, thanks to Twitter Analytics, everyone can have a better grasp of how their tweets are doing.

Twitter’s initial access to its analytics dashboard was just limited to advertisers, Twitter card publishers, and verified users. But last August 28, 2014 seemed like a dawning of a new era in the Twitter world as Ian Chan, Twitter’s engineer, announces that the tool is available for just about anyone who wants to utilize it.

But what does this mean for marketers? Will it be able to help brands market themselves better in social media? Why does twitter analytics considered as the “Holy Grail” for every content marketer? Let’s take a look.

Engagement Never Looked Better

Twitter Chat

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“Did my tweet reach my target audience?”

“Were they able to really see my tweet?”

“How successful are my tweets?”

If you were one of those who seemed to ask these kinds of questions every time you post a tweet, you don’t have to worry anymore as the answers are now easily provided by twitter analytics’ dashboard. It provides key metrics that allow you to have a better understanding of your tweets. Twitter generously provided additional details on how people are engaging with your tweets, and its reach through the impressions data.

Part of these data indicates the number of times your followers potentially viewed your tweet. This bit can also help you in determining the best time and days to tweet to reach your audience so you have more control in publishing content, as well as adjusting and setting your regular content promotion activities for your social media marketing efforts. Keeping this in mind can also help you avoid the common mistakes when tweeting so that you’ll have more opportunities for better engagement and in the long run, gain more followers. Do take note that this is only based on users who viewed your tweet using Twitter’s android and iOS apps, or through their official site.

If you plan to use this analytics tool, make sure that your account is at least 14 days old, your account should not be deleted, restricted, protected, or suspended, and tweets are primarily based in English, French, Japanese, or Spanish language.

Looking Deeper, From The View Above

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In the world of content marketing and digital marketing, analyzing your tweets can help you gauge if your marketing efforts conducted in Twitter is effective or not. Lindsay Kolowich of HubSpot shares that through Twitter Analytics and exporting your data, you can easily see your best performing tweets. And by seeing this data, this will help you see which ones you can replicate (since it works), and which ones you need to stop tweeting.

More importantly, if you have a specific tweet that gained more replies, you can learn an insight from the content of that tweet which can give you a deeper analysis of what needs to be done. This will guide you to be more effective in your future marketing strategies.

If you want a deeper and thorough analysis of your tweet’s performance, you can start by looking first at your tweet’s timings. Take note of the specific time that leads to more impressions from your audience. Check whether you are tweeting too much or not, since over-tweeting can make people annoyed when looking at their feeds. Do take into consideration the tone of your tweet and see if people are more responsive to a specific tone that you used in your previous tweets. And of course, see how photos, videos, and links affect your tweet engagement.

Improve Your Marketing By Tweeting

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Photo courtesy of Mashable via Pinterest

Companies and brands are definitely looking into these data being provided by Twitter Analytics for their marketing efforts. This will enable them to monitor their organic reach and also attain an improved customer reach. They are also after the clicks, whether it is the link in the tweet or the tweet itself.

One good way to market well via twitter after seeing your analytics data, is to have a strong call-to-action or CTA that can generate the most engagement with your followers. Do they prefer subtle ones, or do they want the CTAs to be more direct? Check these information through your analytics dashboard. Keep in mind that these calls-to-actions, when written properly, can lead users to click your link for your business.

Thanks to Twitter Analytics, brands can also create stronger twitter campaigns that are based on what their followers want. More targeted strategies can be created since the type of content that your followers usually retweet, the hashtags that they usually click, and how people perceive their brands on twitter are all found on the data provided by Twitter Analytics. Be sure to tailor-fit your content in your tweet so that your marketing efforts meet your users’ social data needs.

As Bonin Bough, VP of Global Media and Consumer Engagement at Mondelez International tells Twitter, “The new dashboard shines a light on how our brand’s voice helps drive our organic activity. In turn, this will help influence how we can be smarter around our decisions related to paid campaigns.” Brands should be able to use these data effectively in order to be smarter when it comes to their marketing efforts. If you want more in-depth analysis for your brand’s tweets, you can see whether the advertising platform on Twitter is a good fit for you. Seeing what these Twitter Analytics has to offer, it is no doubt that marketers will continue to tweet away with their targeted strategies, thanks to these kinds of data.

John Anderson

John Anderson is a Web Developer, Creative Content Director and a Commissioned Artist. He is particular in watching web and social media changes and uses. He is interested about various internet trends and enjoys his day job as a cartoonist and commissioned artist.

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