Two Tap | The Universal Shopping Cart

Aug 07, 2014 • Apps & Software, Startups
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shoppingPurchasing multiple products from multiple retailers can be an annoyance.  Unless you only shop on Amazon or some other major online store, you probably have multiple usernames, passwords, and information which need to be inputted every time you buy something.  Two Tap thought this would be a hassle, especially for the mobile user, and created a shopping cart that works on multiple platforms through multiple retailers.

“Imagine what e-commerce looks like today.  If you want to buy a product, you have to go through complex information process on each individual merchant you want to purchase a product from.  This was ok until a couple of years ago,” says Razvan Roman, Co-Founder of Two Tap.  “As soon as we introduce multiple formats, consumers are spending more time on different devices and different models and apps.  This model doesn’t really translate that well.  Conversion rates on mobile are much lower than they are on desktop.  Everybody prefers to go back to their main computer – their desktop computer or laptop – to finalize the purchase.”

two tapMobile is still a rare device to purchase items from.  Many don’t have the time to think if the purchase is a worth the time and effort.  Think of re-inputting your information on a mobile device over and over again.  It’s a terrible and annoying process buyers have to go through.  Google Wallet does provide some solution to the problem for consumers.  However, it doesn’t provide a solution for merchants themselves.  Either they have to integrate multiple ways for consumers to pay for their products either on the app or on the website.

twotap“The only way to build a solution that’s going to work is to find a way to scale an integration with the merchant without having them to do any of the technical integration work.  When we approached the marketplace – the industry – building a solution; we have to find some way to scale these integrations to thousands of merchants without having the merchants to do any of the integration work.  Because that would make us the real universal checkout solution.  The universal shopping cart that accepts multiple payments from multiple retailers that can be bought from one interface and it doesn’t require the customer to input their data again and again,” says Razvan Roman.

Two Tap has already rounded up over 200 retailers and is becoming one of the best ways for mobile app developers and publishers to enable purchases.  The different types of retail stores using Two Tap range from electronics to fashion to health and they are just a few of many vertical retail stores Two Tap has accessed.

As Razvan stated before, Two Tap is looking to integrate their system seamlessly without the hassle of retailers needing to learn how to do so.  Because of the easy integration, retailers can still process their own payments and retain sales data.  This would make it easier for any business to easily take advantage of Two Taps system while not spending any more resources to get their products sold online.  Conversion rates could shoot up thanks to the simplified buy options and retain more customers because the transactions went so smooth.  Consumers can also benefit from this as well.  Two Tap for consumers is more like Google Wallet, but much simpler than that.  Which is nice for buying anything from a Two Tap affiliated store.  However, Google Wallet has more features than Two Tap can manage.  But again, Two Tap is looking to simplify things, not complicate things.

“Our mission is to radically simplify online shopping for any product from any retailer on any device,” said Razvan Roman.  Impulse buying just got more dangerous.

Alex Bae

A University of California, Santa Barbara graduate. Has a love relationship with photography, technology, and writing. Always looking forward to new creative innovations and writing.

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