Adam Chapnick Looks Forward to a New Future with AssetAvenue

May 01, 2014 • Business, Startups
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crowdfundingAssetAvenue, a new and exciting real estate crowdfunding company, has acquired a new asset, Adam Chapnick.  If you already heard of the name, then you already know why the acquisition is such a big deal.  If Adam Chapnick does not ring a bell, then his work at Indiegogo will say it all.  The importance of Adam in Indiegogo was invaluable.  Adam is the very mind behind many of the business developments and the growth of Indiegogo into one of the most premier crowdfunding platforms.

Adam Chapnick founded Distribber in 2008.  In 2010, Indiegogo acquired his company and Adam himself and became Indiegogo’s first employee.  Since then, he has been an integral part of Indiegogo’s history; expanding the brand into new markets and creating the name into one of the biggest crowdfunding platforms in the world.  Now, Adam is looking to the same thing with AssetAvenue.

“AssetAvenue’s disruptive vision and the team’s industry expertise are what sets the company apart. The leadership team has decades of combined real estate experience, and they’re focused on breaking barriers, which is music to my ears,” said Chapnick. “When [AssetAvenue CEO] David Manshoory shared the scale of what he’s aiming to accomplish, I knew this was a mission I wanted to be a part of, and the team I had to join. I can’t wait for the impact we’re going to make together.”

adamAdam Chapnick signed up to be AssetAvenue’s Chief Strategic Officer and brings his expansive network and experience to revolutionize a new kind of business.

“Crowdfunding as a whole has been an incredibly revolutionary force in so many business verticals. It was thrilling to help drive this growth as the original player in the space,” added Chapnick. “Looking forward, those of us who are steeped in crowdfunding have seen real estate as the next explosive opportunity, given the sheer market size, coupled with all of its financial benefits to investors.”

The great news about all this is a startup was able to grab a high-profile player.  Can more key players potentially fall into other startups laps?  Maybe, but a nice business plan, a great selling point, and a new opportunity may help get others stepping away from industry giants and into the world of startups.

AssetAvenue is based in Los Angeles and looking to take real estate crowdfunding into a bigger spotlight.  AssetAvenue is all about crowdfunding real estate opportunities and allowing accredited investors to sign up and join their efforts.  Investors are then allowed to browse and invest in real estate property, diversify their investment portfolio, and generate some income.  The company was founded by David Manshoory in December 2013.

Alex Bae

A University of California, Santa Barbara graduate. Has a love relationship with photography, technology, and writing. Always looking forward to new creative innovations and writing.

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