Amplify’s Guide to Crafting a Pitch Deck | Entrepreneur Resources

Feb 07, 2012 • Entrepreneurship, Startups
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As we turn our ideas for the future into the latest startups and companies of today, there’s always a need for resources to help guide one through the process of it all. As that idea grows into a business there may come a time where the need for outside funding in necessary to further grow and scale. While this time for a business can be exciting one must be prepared with the resources to take the next step.

One of the tools is a valuable slideshow known as a business’s pitch deck. A pitch deck is important whether you are, intend to, or have no desire to raise money. It can help focus the product’s strategy and future direction of the business. Plus it gives something tangible to be shown to potential advertisers, partners, sponsors, etc.

While there are many examples and how-tos on creating a pitch deck around, our very own Los Angeles based accelerator, Amplify, has put together a very detailed and easy to follow guide for those in an early-stage startup. Amplify’s example does a great job running through the each piece to the pitch deck puzzle such as the components of the elevator pitch, what content should be included, and common mistakes entrepreneurs make.

The pitch deck is available online for free here, and on their website at Amplify.LA. 

Kyle Ellicott

Co-Founder of @EventifyMe, CEO of @Codeita and Heavy Cloud Media Group. I have a strong love and passion for startups. Some say I’m a serial entrepreneur, coder, idea creator, and a nice guy.

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