Author Archive: Alex Espenson

Technology is essential for businesses that want to gain an edge over competitors in today’s world. Computers and the Internet have now brought in a new era that relies on data to make profitable business decisions in the competitive environment. However, many business owners neglect to take advantage of these new technologies because they believe that they are only available to large corporations.

Entrepreneurs and startups operate within a David versus Goliath environment. With small budgets, limited staff and inexperience, they somehow have to find a way to make a name for themselves, and compete against much bigger organizations. Big data offers many promises in a number of different industries, but does it have the ability to help small businesses?

Since we live in a technical age and since businesses are essentially fueled by technology, it is vital to know who to call on when you need one thing or another. There are various tech savvy groups of people that can assist businesses in their development, implementation and use of technology. Some people think that all of these people go by the same title, but this is not true.

Security breaches have become all too common in recent years. Whether it’s the breach at Target that revealed the information of millions of customers or the Sony hack that caused so much controversy, security breaches can cause a lot of damage, often taking years to recover. Beyond cyber attacks, many people and businesses around the world are still trying to come to grips with the recent revelations of government surveillance from Edward Snowden.

Without a doubt, when looking to technology, one can see it has changed the way we do business. Even thinking back 20 years, you can see that businesses have changed, for the better. While true, many entrepreneurs don’t take advantage of this or understand why technology is so crucial to helping one achieve higher profits and find more clients.

For small business owners of SAAS companies, compliance with international safety standards is often manifested in three basic tasks i.e. identifying users and granting access privileges to those users; identifying sensitive data assessing where the data is stored and how it is encrypted; and documenting this information in an easy-to-understand format for auditors or SAAS regulating authorities.

A quick web search of items before their time will provide a long list of gadgets and machines rejected by our predecessors which are now shaping our future. For example, Apple’s Newton was considered a flop when released in 1993, but upon close inspection it strongly resembles the highly popular iPads of today.

Technology is transforming entire industries, including Healthcare. The shift from legacy Electronic Health Records to cloud-based EHR systems containing massive volumes of private patient information is one sweeping example of that change. Using big data analytics, healthcare providers can now leverage patient data on EHR systems for insights that can lead to improved standards of care and better outcomes.

You have several options at your disposal when trying to detect, diagnose and resolve network problems. Listed below are the basic troubleshooting tips that you can go through to eliminate hours without Internet connectivity. However, the most serious of problems need to be solved by a network technician, but you can avoid technicians if you follow the steps listed below.

From business to employee relations, as an organization, you have a lot on your plate. The one item that should never be ignored is security threats surrounding your IT organization. Hackers are learning new ways to infiltrate systems and steal valuable organizational information every day. It seems that no organization is safe, even the big guys are getting hit with terrible cyber attacks. The work you produce is too valuable to be stolen and it’s necessary to be one step ahead in the game by knowing what you’re up against.