How Big Data is Impacting Law Enforcement.

Aug 09, 2017 • Business, Data
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Since the introduction of big data over a decade ago in the form of data analytics, it has helped police agencies in different places over the world when matters related to improving strategies for combating crime, making concrete decisions and reduce chances of crime happening are concerned.

Police administrators are forced to come up with new strategies to combat crime. Such strategies include using gunshot sensors, being active on social media and using image surveillance sensors. With such information, police agencies are in a position to quickly and efficiently respond to crime scenes.

In a simple definition, big data means being in a position to mine huge amounts of data from different sources, effectively understand the accuracy of the data and from it, make critical analyses. At times, the decisions might be difficult depending on the situation at hand. The capability is made up of software solutions that are complex, and that run on supercomputers. In addition to the technologies mentioned above, big data solutions can combine different abilities such as zoning applications that are associated with selling liquor.

There are several big companies that are engaged with matters related to big data for law enforcement. IBM is the leading solutions provider for security big data solutions. The company has in the past developed the Crime Information Warehouse that can marry different crimes analytics for predictive policies.

Big data has become the best and newest resource when matters related to law enforcement are concerned. The technology has played a very big role when making connections and detecting crime patterns. However, some improvements need to be done so that the technology can work better. First of all, it is important that all analysis is based on a particular department and it’s mission. Every feature should be focused on not just understanding the necessary step to make the operational goals achievable.

Examples of how big data is helping law enforcement agencies

An example of big data in everyday law enforcement is real-time number plate scanners that are mounted on police cars. They can record photographs of the license plates without involving the operator and then transmit them to the central database. They transmit information in real time, and the driver is in a position to know of any arrest warrants.

Another good example is the full-time video on police uniforms. This technology is combined with facial recognition. This technology has contributed a great deal when matters related to make policing more effective.

Currently, many technology startups are trying to take facial recognition to greater heights. One company is going beyond facial recognition and venturing into emotional analytics. If the technology is successful, it will enable security agencies to scan crowds. And be in a position to know the security nature based on the emotions. The technology incorporates image processing and emotional analytics. The continued use of big data in law enforcement is bound to make big improvement strides. Among other technologies, big data in law enforcement uses the Google bigquery technology to improve on clarity in overall, improve on precision.

All said and done, big data has and will continue making things easier for law enforcement agencies. In the near future, some improvements on the already existing technologies are expected as well as innovations. In the future, maybe making an arrest will be digital like parking tickets are. Improvements in technology overall will see to it that big data improves. This will translate in law enforcement agencies becoming more efficient.

David Glenn

David Glenn is a business writer who has been featured on sites like, and He draws from 30 years of experience as a business owner.

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