CADScan | Scan in 3D with Ease and Affordability

Feb 25, 2013 • Gadgets, Startups, Video
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kickstarterCADScan was formed in 2011 by Alastair Buchannan and Tony Rhoades and together they put a team to give people a chance on owning a great piece of technology.  To do this, CADScan recently launched a Kickstarter to fund its new machine.  The new machine in question, is a 3D scanner that is affordable to any market, which is also very easy to use and produces high quality scans.

The given rewards on Kickstarter range from a miniature model of the scanner, a T-shirt, and the 3D scanner itself.  The price for one of these machines starts off at GBP 649 or about $1,000.  The 3D scanner is very simple to use, just place the object on the tray and press a button and voila!  You get your 3D scan within five minutes onto your computer screen.  The scanner scans objects with a dimension size up to 25 cm x 25 cm x 25 cm and has a resolution of up to 2 mm.  The 3D scanner itself is relatively small and takes just as much room as a normal sized printer or scanner.  The ease of use and a compact size gives users a whole new way to engineer and design new projects.

3dUnlike other 3D scanners, CADScan’s scanner doesn’t require training to calibrate, align, and post process 3D scans.  CADSCan uses two scanning heads and a turntable to get a full 360 degree view of the object.  File outputs are in .STL, .OBJ, and .PLY formats and the scanner works with major 3D printers and CAD packages. Right out the box, this machine is ready to go for those in need of new projects.

3D scanners are used a lot for design and engineering, but they are worth thousands of dollars.  CADScan wants to change that and have it available to everyone to purchase and use.  With its unique design, CADScan has definitely upped the ante with this machine.  The Kickstarter is allowing the CADScan team to test for quality, to manufacture, and engineer for further refinements.  To this, they must reach a goal of GBP of 80,000 or about $120,000 in funding.  All this funding will give the 3D scanner an affordable price point and its high quality scans an appeal that no one can look away from.

Businesses and enthusiasts are now equally able to purchase a machine which is capable of creating high-quality 3D scans at a low cost.  CADScan is asking for help to help others in need of cheaper, but high quality machines that will be helping businesses and people alike.  It gives everyone a chance of obtaining a 3D scanner and creates more competition in building greater technology for the masses.  See more about CADScan here and to visit the Kickstarter page, click here.

Alex Bae

A University of California, Santa Barbara graduate. Has a love relationship with photography, technology, and writing. Always looking forward to new creative innovations and writing.

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