E2: Evolution of Entertainment Conference at USC

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BEAOn Friday, February 22, USC’s Business and Entertainment Association (BEA) is hosting its 5th annual E2: Evolution of Entertainment Conference at the Town & Gown Hall at the USC Campus. The event is designed for professionals and students alike who are interested in or are currently working in the field of entertainment or new media. It’s focus is on the evolving changes in technology that have had an influential impact on the business of entertainment. The event is an excellent educational and networking opportunity that will help industry newcomers and veterans understand the latest changes in the industry according to the executive decision makers in well known and established companies.

This year’s theme is “Disrupters in Media and Entertainment.” Topics of the panels include Media and Entertainment Focused Startups in Silicon Beach, Business Model with CFOs and Intersection of Technology and Content Production and Distribution. Featured Presenters are Thomas Gewecke, President, Warner Bros. Digital Distribution; Barry Blumberg, President of Smosh; Tom Fuelling, CFO of Hulu; Matt Brown, Executive Vice President of Sony Pictures and Diego Berdakin, President of Beachmint.

Featured Speakers


10am Check-in & Coffee Hour

11am Opening Remarks

11:15am Fireside Chat w/ Matt Brown & Jim Underwood

12:30pm Media & Entertainment Focused Startups in Silicon Beach Panel

1:30pm Lunch

2:30pm Business Model Panel w/ CFOs

3:45pm Intersection of Technology and Content Production and Distribution Panel

5pm Keynote Address: Thomas Gewecke

6pm Cocktail Networking Hour

*schedule is subject to change

To register for event click here.

Denise Walker

Denise Walker is the founder and CEO of Digital Media Wave, a Digital Agency focused on game changing enterprises that have a global impact. She is a proud trojan earning a B.S in Business Administration from USC with a Concentration in Entrepreneurship. Denise loves Boba, Science, Space, Time Travel, learning about new technology and startups, reading inspirational/business books, connecting with great people, salsa dancing and is a proud Whovian!

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