Fanzila launches new apps with blogger promotion

Feb 21, 2012 • Facebook, Marketing, Startups
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Fanzila, a startup that makes it easy to turn your Facebook pages into mini websites with blogs, contests, photo galleries and more, has just added  “Contact Us,” “About Us,” and RSS apps to its offering. But what’s more noteworthy is how Fanzila is spreading the word.

The startup, which originally launched at TechCrunch Disrupt last fall, is giving away premium one year licenses worth $1,188 to 200 bloggers and website owners who act at their virtual marketing army.

Here’s how you can participate:

The fine print:
  • Your blog/website must be at least three months old and have at least three posts published before February 14, 2012.
  • Fanzila-powered blogs are not eligible
  • Offer valid until all 200 licenses are given away
If you’re number 201, don’t worry. Fanzila has a free version as well, and packages for $39 and $99. Considering Facebook is closing in on one billion users, this could be a small price to pay for engagement.

Amanda Coolong

Amanda Coolong is Executive Editor and host of

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