JumpStartFund Launches First Ever Crowd-Powered Portal For Startups

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JumpstartfundEl Segundo, CA based JumpStarter Inc.,  a crowd-powered platform that gives accredited investors access to exclusive deal flow and technology transfer opportunities has launched in beta its crowd-powered portal for startups, JumpStartFund.   Helping solicit new business ideas and patents from individuals, federal research labs, universities and other R&D organizations countrywide.

According to Dirk Ahlborn, CEO and co-founder of JumpStartFund,“We believe that every entrepreneur has at least two or three great ideas they would like to see realized but do not have the time or resources to make them a reality.”

Ahlborn added “Through our process and the power of the crowd, we bring the best ideas to life, creating companies that might not have been, and help entrepreneurs monetize these ideas and patents.”

Social network for investors

JumpStartFund has been built ground up with an interactive social network where members can easily find, follow and network with investors and other startups to fundraise using rewards- or equity-based crowdfunding.

One becomes a member by creating a  profile, add team members, promote their company page and message or receive updates about the companies they follow. After joining, one can search for a company co-founder or head to the platform’s “Jobs” section for  opportunities listed by each company, allowing an exchange of services for equity in the company.

Get feedback, collaborate and get funded

JumpStartFund aims to be the first to ask for feedback, collaboration and funding  with both equity- and rewards-based crowdfunding from its members. It gives members access to the disruptive power of the crowd to vote, comment and refine, and impact ideas in development to help build viable companies.

How its online incubation works

Members submit ideas and patents, the JumpStartFund community members and the JumpStartFund team vets them. Those with market potential are selected and moved into a “work in progress” state.

Members then collaborate on market research,  design, naming, manufacturing, marketing, among others and coming up with additional ways of using the patents and ideas to make them successful.

Social capital rewarded

For their participation, JumpStartFund members are rewarded with Advisory Points that equal a commission on the company’s revenue for the first year.  For the member to maintain the commission over time, they must stay actively involved in at least 50% of the crowdsourced activities related to that company (over its lifetime), creating social capital for the company.

Sam Wakoba

Sam Wakoba travels around the world's technology hubs and events writing about startups, VC’ s and ventures. Spends nights reviewing trending gadgets, ICT initiatives, and disrupting technology.

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