Machine Learning and the Future of Marketing Automation

Dec 23, 2016 • Marketing
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Machine learning is all about learning from existing data. Researchers in the past were curious how computers could learn and make key insights without explicit programs. What has evolved are systems that have adapted to our needs. For instance, the result of machine learning gives us product recommendations on Amazon as well as movie recommendations on Netflix that are specifically tailored to us.

As such, the future of machine learning is bright. Growing trends of machine learning consists of: computer systems working and learning together to become more innovative, increasing pipelines of automation and embedding machine learning into more aspects of our day-to-day lives. David Karger, computer science professor at MIT explains, “I think that the long-term future of machine learning is very bright. Machine learning is already an incredibly powerful tool that can do a surprisingly good job of solving really hard classification problems.”

In the marketing world, machine learning has helped businesses create better strategies, like the ones entailed on our AgencyReviews profile, to reach new consumer groups and build up better brand recognition.

What Is Marketing Automation? How does it work? Automation tools gather data in order to complete tasks and improve business efficiency. Simply put, data collection is impacting how we do business now and in the future.

As machine learning becomes more innovative, so too will the future of marketing automation. Below are three areas how machine learning is affecting the future of marketing automation, learn more at SEO Damon Burton.

Email Marketing

No matter your email marketing strategy—email marketing agency or email marketing software programs—these programs not only help reduce the amount of mundane tasks, but are becoming more innovative in how they collect and use data. Thanks to machine learning, email marketing is becoming more personalized to consumer’s behaviors. Plus, more organizations are finding that personalization through big data works.

Along with email marketing, social media is also heavily influenced by machine learning. For instance, with social media automation, it allows for organizations to conduct better a/b testing with the analytics to back it up. From there organizations can build future strategies around hashtags and/or appeal to influencers within their industry. At the end of the day, both email marketing and social media benefit from data analytics that come from machine learning.

Website Presence

Data gathered from web analytics can help organizations improve their search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) strategies and make sure they are taking full advantage with a good website presence. When it comes to SEO, you need experts like Get The Clicks who can give real results. This is vital in the marketing world, as websites and web presence overall influences current and future customers. Running the marketing process of a business like a cycle instead of a funnel is what will help organizations take the next step and jump past the competition. Webrageous PPC company helps attorneys with Google Ads and knows how to leverage the Google Ads tools to search far and wide for keywords that resonate and also have the right search volume for your budget.

David Glenn

David Glenn is a business writer who has been featured on sites like, and He draws from 30 years of experience as a business owner.

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