Microsoft Unveils

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Today Chris Jones,Microsoft Windows Live VP has unveiled what he says is a modern email for the next billion mailboxes.

He says in a blog post,” We’ve also been hard at work on a mission to reinvent personal email – from the datacenter all the way to the user experience”.

Still in its preview is expected to rival Gmail and put to rest its own service hotmail.

Spam and Full Inbox

Microsoft says that though inbox size is not in itself an issue inboxes are getting filled up with spam and unwanted newsletters.
Microsoft agrees that traditional email has also failed to be a solution for people’s connections on social media.


But is that solution.

Jones says,” We realized that we needed to take a bold step, break from the past and build a brand new service from the ground up. People already know the Outlook desktop application-for PCs and Macs-as the world’s most email, managing a calendar, and connecting to people. Now we are offering Outlook as a personal email service –”

What is new

According to Jones email isn’t just about the browser as it represents 20% of the time we spend on smartphones and even more on tablets and PCs.

The new Outlook is cloud based; all emails are stored and available remotely.

It has no spam nor display ads. The developers also say it has no space wasting search boxes. It also uses Exchange ActiveSync, which Microsoft says powers email, calendar and social interaction on devices.

Jones says the new service clears email clutter as its header has 60% fewer pixels and makes 30% more messages visible in the inbox that the former webmail.

Social Mail

According to Jones social networks have become an incredibly popular place to share and communicate with friends and co-workers even as email’s use continues between individuals in and out of organizations. is therefore the first email service integrated with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, and Skype.

The email also allows attachments of photos, shows live status updates and Tweets and has chat and video calls connected across all contacts on one’s social networks.

Mail Assistant

According to Microsoft automatically sorts ones messages from contacts, newsletters, shipping updates, and social updates.
Outlook Sweep features also allows one to move, delete and select the emails they want.

It also has free Office Web Apps — Word, PowerPoint, Excel and OneNote -for one to view and edit attachments without leaving their inbox. comes with SkyDrive for easy attachments of photos, documentsand files. No attachment limits.

Email is Personal and Mobile

The Outlook team promises that the email is personal and the user has rights to customize their own connections or followers. Users also create their own folders,categories and preferences. can also be accessed on Windows Phones, iPhones, Android, Blackberry and other internet enabled phones. It is also available on the tablet for Windows 8, iPad, and Android. Here is phone setup guide step-by- step guide.

Sam Wakoba

Sam Wakoba travels around the world's technology hubs and events writing about startups, VC’ s and ventures. Spends nights reviewing trending gadgets, ICT initiatives, and disrupting technology.

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