Pepsi Co’s Bough crowns SXSWi the “Davos of Digital”

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During our interview with PepsiCo’s Bonin Bough at South by Southwest Interactive, the company’s director of global social media enthusiastically called the conference the “Davos of Digital.” Bough explains, “[SXSWi] is the place where innovation happens and it’s a unique opportunity for [PepsiCo] to see the innovations that are going to change the way we engage with consumers six to 18 months out.”

PepsiCo debuted two graduates of its PepsiCo10 startup incubator at the show this year: BreakoutBand, a platform for crowdsourced music, and SuperShopper by Evil Genius, an app that lets shoppers engage with each other in the aisles.

This year, PepsiCo increased its presence at South by Southwest Interactive by partnering with the conference to livestream the keynotes and other discussions. In partnership with Fast Company magazine, the company also curated multiple panel discussions with top digital thought leaders held on the PepsiCo Plugged-In stage.

Fast Company’s Ellen McGirt shared, “There’s no better petrie dish for innovation, creative ideas, people and energy than South by Southwest.” She spoke at length about generosity, and the actions taken from Austin to support those effected by the recent earthquakes and tsunami in Japan.

Watch the interview for more details.

Amanda Coolong

Amanda Coolong is Executive Editor and host of

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