Social Media Week Lands in Los Angeles Sept. 24-28

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Social Media Week (SMW) helps organizations connect and share the latest social media findings through social, cultural and economic talks and workshops in major cities worldwide. Created by founder Toby Daniels, Social Media Week Los Angeles will focus this series of discussions around the theme of “Empowering Change Through Collaboration.”  SMWLA will take place next week Sept. 24-28. 2012.

Attending discussions at SMWLA week is a great opportunity to learn and mingle with some of the world’s top content creators, strategists and all around top-tier digital influencers in Los Angeles, the mecca of entertainment. There will be panels, meetups and workshops across the city all week long.


SMWLA offers 90% of the events for FREE! That’s right, absolutely free. However individual event registration is required and you will have to check in upon arrival. This keeps the event organizers aware of capacity limitations.

To ensure that you are able to attend each and every event you ever wanted, this year the conference has introduced a $75 Premium Pass. With this pass you are all set to hop from one main event to another, without drama. More information is located on their “attend” page.


SMWLA has posted a tentative schedule of events on their “Schedule At A Glance” page. They have broken events down by two hubs: Social Tech, and Entertainment. In addition, there are several keynote speeches scheduled that are worth looking into including Mark Horvath, Founder at InvisiblePeople.TV. The events listed are as follows:


7083 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, CA 90028
Monday: Los Angeles – The Social City
Mon 9/24 9:00-9:30am Freshwire Daily Brief: Monday
Mon 9/24 9:30-10:30am Why Los Angeles Is The Next Silicon Valley
Mon 9/24 10:30-11:00am A City of Angels: How Social Media is Bringing LA Closer to Utopia
Mon 9/24 12:00-1:00pm Keynote: Scott Kramer, President & CEO of Multibrain Network, Inc.
Mon 9/24 2:00-2:30 pm Keynote: Mark Horvath, Founder of Invisible People
Mon 9/24 2:30-3:30pm Nobody Walks in LA
Mon 9/24 4:00-5:00pm Social Media and Urban Development in Hollywood
Mon 9/24 6:00-8:00pm Official Social Media Week Opening Reception and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Tuesday: Startup and Entrepreneurship
Tues 9/25 9:00-9:30am Freshwire Daily Brief: Tuesday
Tues 9/25 10:00-11:30am Crowdfunding Gets Down to Business
Tues 9/25 12:00-1:00pm Stepping on the Gas: How Accelerators are Revolutionizing LA’s Tech Scene
Tues 9/25 1:30-2:30pm Showcase: io/LA’s Most Creative Startups
Tues 9/25 2:30-3:30pm The Smartest Girls in the Room
Tues 9/25 4:00-5:00pm Going So-Lo: How Brands are Driving Sales & Personalizing Customer Experiences with Social, Location-Based Marketing
Wednesday: Collaboration and Gaming
Wed 9/26 9:00-9:30am Freshwire Daily Brief: Wednesday
Wed 9/26 10:00-10:30am One Million Downloads: Activating the Power of Open Source Culture
Wed 9/26 10:30- 11:30 am Better Than Room Service: Travel & Hospitality Gets Social
Wed 9/26 12:00-1:00pm Feed Me: How Technology and Social Media are Changing the Way We Eat
Wed 9/26 1:00-2:00pm The Future of Gaming Entertainment and Beyond
Wed 9/26 2:30-3:30pm Social Games: Bane or Paragon of Social Media?
Wed 9/26 4:00-5:00pm Sitting at the Cool Kids Table: How Collaborative Workspaces are Transforming The Way We Work
Wed 9/26 5:30-6:30pm Creativity, Collaboration, & Content Distribution: An Intro to the YouTube Partner Program
Wed 9/26 7:00-8:30pm Invisible Children Presents: The Rescue of Joseph Kony’s Child Soldiers
Thursday: Advertising and Marketing
Thurs 9/27 9:00-9:30am Freshwire Daily Brief: Thursday
Thurs 9/27 10:00-10:30am Humanize Your Brand: How To Protect and Enhance it Using Social Media
Thurs 9/27 10:30-11:30am The Power of Brand Advocates
Thurs 9/27 12:00-1:00pm Who Really Owns Your Social Media? Presented by Adobe
Thurs 9/27 2:00-3:00pm Social Media: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You
Thurs 9/27 4:00-5:00pm The New Focus Group is the World – And it’s Playing in the Toilet (Literally)
Thurs 9/27 6:00-8:00pm Branded Content + Social Sharing = The Perfect Match
Friday: Innovation and The Future
Fri 9/28 9:00-9:30am Freshwire Daily Brief: Friday
Fri 9/28 10:00-10:30am Keynote: Jeff Cole, USC Annenberg School Center For The Digital Future
Fri 9/28 10:30-11:30am The Other Side of Attribution
Fri 9/28 12:00-1:30pm Keynote and Roundtable: Jane Buckingham, CEO of Trendera
Fri 9/28 2:30-3:30pm Islands In The Stream:The Disruptive Forces Behind Live Streaming
Fri 9/28 4:00-4:30pm Keynote: Barnaby Legg, Director of Innovation at Five33
Fri 9/28 4:30-5:30pm How Social Media is Transforming Journalism



The Egyptian Theatre
6712 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood, CA 90028
Monday: Celebrity Culture
Mon 9/24 10:00-11:00am Global Brands vs. Global Celebrities: Who’s The Smarter Marketer? With Omar Epps
Mon 9/24 11:30-12:00pm Keynote: Adam Garone, CEO and Co-Founder of Movember
Mon 9/24 2:00-2:30pm Keynote: Troy Carter, Founder and CEO of Atom Factory
Mon 9/24 4:00-5:00pm Luxury (Finally) Goes Social
Mon 9/24 5:00-7:00pm Social Media Scavenger Hunt Presented by LA Weekly and the Los Angeles Tourism Board
Tuesday: Sports Entertainment
Tue 9/25 10:00-10:30am Keynote: Jeff Berman, GM at NFL Digital Media
Tue 9/25 10:30-11:30am Take Me Into The Ball Game: How Social Media Is Transforming The Fan Experience
Tue 9/25 12:00-1:00pm Putting Scalpers Out of Business: How Disruptive Tech is Changing The Ticketing Game
Tue 9/25 1:30-2:00pm Brand and Brand: Getting the Most out of Sports Marketing by Working Together, Hosted by Nokia X Burton
Wednesday: Lifestyle and Culture
Wed 9/26 12:00-1:00pm Unraveling the Mystery of True Influence
Wed 9/26 1:30-2:00pm Keynote: Ryan Holiday, Director of Marketing At American Apparel
Wed 9/26 2:00-3:00pm Hot, Hot, Haute: Fashion and Beauty Online
Wed 9/26 3:30-5:00pm Socially Charged Fashion: How Social + Mobile are Building Brands from the Bottom Up
Wed 9/26 5:00-6:00pm Perfect Your Pitch for Web, TV, and Film
Wed 9/26 7:00-10:00pm Zach Galifianakis Presents: Craigslist Joe
Thursday: Online Video and Music
Thurs 9/27 10:00-10:30am Keynote: Beverly Jackson, Director of Marketing & Social Media at the Grammy Awards
Thurs 9/27 10:30-11:30am Bandpage: A Fireside Chat With J Sider, CEO & Founder
Thurs 9/27 12:00-1:00pm Genreless: Decoding Music Fusion in the Digital Era
Thurs 9/27 1:30-2:30pm The Future of Mobile & Social Entertainment
Thurs 9/27 3:00-4:00pm Fireside Chat: Anthony Zuiker, Creator of the CSI Franchise and Cybergeddon
Thurs 9/27 4:00-5:00pm The New Hollywood
Friday: Television and Movies
Fri 9/28 11:45-12:30pm TV Goes Social
Fri 9/28 12:30-1:15pm Social TV Revolution
Fri 9/28 1:30-2:30pm What All the Buzz is About: A Conversation with the Disney / ABC Television Group
Fri 9/28 3:00-4:00pm I’d Like To Thank The Academy…On Twitter: A Conversation with the Emmys, Oscars, Grammys, Streamys, and Dick Clark Productions
Fri 9/28 4:00-5:00pm Social Ink: Writers, Creativity, and Social Networking with WGAW

SMWLA comes together very fast, so be sure to keep checking the schedule for last minute updates and additions. You may want to download the Official SMW App to help you prepare for the conference. The app is available for iOS and Android users.

Last but not least, SWM has unveiled a new school called the School of Emerging Media and Technology in partnership with Skillshare. Here you can find local and online/local hybrid classes for topics like UX Design & Programming or Social Media Law among other classes.

If you have an amazing panel and want to present, you may get in, it has been known to happen at the very last minute. Contact the event organizers for information.

Desdemona Bandini

Desdemona Bandini has an extensive background in journalism, advertising, social media marketing and emerging media. She has worked for some of the top newsrooms including KNBC, American Media, and The Los Angeles Times. Her background in advertising and marketing includes working on projects for Microsoft, Intel, GE, America's Top Model, Acclaim Video Games, Universal Pictures, E! Entertainment, and Katalyst Network among others. She recently completed her graduate studies at USC where she developed a start-up research platform for brands and advertisers using social media marketing.

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