TechZulu Welcomes Chris Van Dusen To The Team!
So nice we had to do it twice! We are pleased to announce that Chris Van Dusen will be joining the TZ writing crew. With a knack for helping others understand what/how to use all things in the digital and tech gadget realm, and get down to how it can best fit you or your company, Chris is here to give you information on what you need know.
Chris Van Dusen is a tech enthusiast, remote efficiency specialist and entrepreneur. He is the president of i-FFICIENCY, a consultancy he co-founded to help small businesses and startups leverage new technology in the sales process. Chris is also Director of Business Development and New Media for Rief Media, a full service marketing and communications firm.
Chris connects via local networking groups including LinkedOC, SMMOC, SMCOC and speaks to local business owners on all things tech and efficiency.
Chris grew up an East Coast boy in Connecticut and moved to Virginia to attend The College of William and Mary where he graduated with a degree in Economics and played baseball. He lives in Laguna Beach. Besides long walks on the beach and frolicking with dandelions…he spends his free time playing with the latest tech gadget, traveling, eating sushi, reading his favorite blogs and watching TED talks. BTW… he is the Mayor of Rad-ville.
If you happen to run into Chris make sure to let him know what you are up to!