Author Archive: Efren Toscano
Former Spotlight: LA Tech Company Zugara announces its Webcam Social Shopper availability for PrestaShop merchants worldwide.
The Webcam Social Shopper (WSS), is now available as an official module for PrestaShop’s apparel merchants. PrestaShop is one of the fastest growing ecommerce platforms in the world (with over 127,000 stores and counting), and the launch of “WSS For PrestaShop” marks the first time any ecommerce platform has offered an augmented reality (AR) module to its e-tailers.
There has been talk for the past week about Microsoft making a “Major” announcement here in Los Angeles. Wait no more!
Today at an event in Hollywood, Microsoft unveiled Surface: PCs built to be the ultimate stage for Windows. Company executives showed two Windows tablets and accessories that feature significant advances in industrial design and attention to detail. Surface is designed to seamlessly transition between consumption and creation, without compromise.
Reinventing mobile search is exactly was has done. Serial entrepreneurs Ami Ben-David, Rami Kasterstein and Joe Simon are the co-founders of, a startup based in San Francisco and Israel. It’s a new HTML5 browser-based app that empowers users by putting everything they need at their fingertips.