
This weeks TZ Startup Hot Seat featured Justin Kan of Socialcam and Justin is most known for broadcasting his life 24/7. In 2007, Justin Kan stopped broadcasting and relaunched into its current form as a network of thousands of various channels. Based on the research they have done with their release of the iPhone app, Socialcam was born.

I have outgrown G.I Joes, (so says my girlfriend) but at least I can make a good case that I only use the Spiderpodium as a stand! (wink)

This weeks TZ Startup Hot Seat features the team at Daqri. Brian Mullins and team agreed to answer our questions and tell us why Daqri will change the Augmented Reality space.

This week in the TZ Startup Hot Seat is Andy Wilson, CEO of Graphight which he considers “the ultimate networking tool.” By aggregating all of your existing address books and professional networks, it tracks who you know and how well you know them so that you can systematically enhance the value of your business network. Let’s take a look at Andy’s answers:

The third installment of TZ Startup Hot Seat features Michael Schneider of Mobile Roadie . Michael is a man of few words however his platform speaks volumes to businesses and consumers that want to make inexpensive apps. Let’s take a look at Michael’s answer

Farhad Mohit speaks on the implications of becoming non-anonymous. People for years have been giving feedback or even complaining about issues but for the most part never get resolved, because 9 times out of 10 they are submitted anonymously

John Delacruz and his startup presented a Twiistup 8 and was almost as impressive as the mini cupcakes at their booth. The startup fills a need in the market by connecting restaurants to patrons in real time.

We first caught sight of this beauty at CES 2011 and Motorola lips were sealed on the date of which ATRIX would be available for purchase or even a give us a price.

At last week’s DEMOfall 09, TZ interviewed Waze. A free mobile navigation application which is crowdsourcing to build its maps. All you have to do to contribute is just keep the application running (make sure you have the car charger plugged in because it kills your battery life) and drive. while you’re driving Waze monitors