Social Good

The non-profit, is partnering with Computer Science Education week to lead a massive effort to raise awareness around computer science education this December. is leading an event called ‘Hour of Code’ with an impressive goal of getting 10 Million students to learn to code (for at least one hour) during the week of December 9-15.

Peer-to-peer marketplace where locals offer experiences including tours, dining at local homes, and activities to travelers, Withlocals, is making its final preparations for the beta launch of local travel experiences for small groups of local hosts and travelers in South Asia, after raising $500,000 in funding from Greenhouse Group mid September.

Silicon Valley-based an entrepreneur and VC, Karl Mehta has launched Code For India (CFI) to empower the country’s citizens to actively participate in improving their communities. Themed “Think Local, Hack Global”, Code For India based in Mountain View, CA and Bangalore, India and wants to inspire millions of techies to volunteer their time and talent to give back to their communities and to the developing world.

Sometimes the companies with the biggest social good impact, move in a humble motion, creating waves of excellence. This is what I noticed when I stumbled upon As a start-up mobile app development company, ROAR focuses on the non-profit and church verticals. ROAR is an integration partner of Appcelerator, and they build native cross platform apps on Titanium. Last year alone, this small company pushed out an enormous amount of mobile apps, to the tune of 600+.

TechZulu had the pleasure again this year to help bring all the New Media Expo (NMX) 2013 Keynotes sessions live. If you missed out on the keynotes live we have all of them for you on demand.

One month old Hub LA already has over 100 members! They didn’t use any magic, its just what they offer and an awesome community of friends, press and members.

TechZulu caught up with Ann Le, MD of Hub LA and we learned about their business acceleration services, social/civic events, and cultural/arts and above all programming sessions!

Based in Columbus, Ohio and community management in Washington, D.C, Huddlewoo a live video platform set to launch early 2013 to give people the ability to access extraordinary people for one-on-one conversations and mentoring.

ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists and researchers, was founded by virologists Dr. Ijad Madisch and Sören Hofmayer, and IT specialist Horst Fickenscher. According to the founders, ResearchGate was built for scientists, by scientists in a move to improve research through collaboration regardless of the distance between the research team.

Founded in 2001 by 3 German MBA students, Carpooling connects people in over 40 countries and is available in English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish and Spanish.

The carpooling team has also grown, from the original three co founders to now over 50 people with one goal: to offer a new, sustainable transport alternative to all.

It is that time of year again, when the digital and tech world looked up from their busy workload just long enough to make sure that they are “represented” with a kickass submission for a panel or two at the most prestigious conference all year, SXSWi (South by Southwest Interactive Festival).