Don’t You Get Zivity?

Sep 11, 2009 • Entertainment
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Two years ago, TechCrunch posted an article labeling Zivity as an adult content site being headed up by Silicon Valley’s Elite. Since then they’ve come to be more properly regarded  as a site that celebrates the beauty of women through power of fine-art photography. Given the fact that Zivity is about the empowerment of women, boasting bravery, displaying courage, and  being daring individuals enlightened, forward thinking, and strong, I’m having a hard time understanding why articles from Valleywag, and the latest from CNET are still on what seem to be a misinformed war path against “naked girls”.

Instead of sending scathing reviews to CNET and Valleywag for being horribly misinformed, out of line, close minded and childish, I decided to go straight to the source with an Interview (happening while I write this post), with CEO of Zivity, Cyan Banister (@cyantist):

So, we have sites saying Zivity is porn, but it’s simply not. What do you think about that?

“The site is not porn. There is a complete difference between entertainment for adults (us) and adult entertainment (porn). Porn is utilitarian, and it fulfills a want with a desired end result. It does a job. Zivity is a community of artists.”

I just want to go on record, I have never spanked it to Zivity.

“Neither have I, couldn’t possibly work for me… Couldn’t possibly work for most people. The site is there to interact and become friends with artists, while admiring pretty, beautiful women on a totally different level.”

This junk about the layoffs and investor separation, what’s the REAL deal with that?

“We survived a downturn in the economy, scaled back our plans for growth by having layoffs so we could secure money for the next few years. We had an amicable split with our investors, which is unheard of. Overall, our revenue stream has always been up, and to the right, and we continue to grow.”

Regarding your user-base?

“Ad-based networks are based on the number of eyeballs you have, subscription based services are based on how many people pay, so the nature of the business is going to leave you with fewer users.”

Personally, I think the people behind the articles being written that are so “matter of fact” and  close-minded they can’t release from their fear of nude women should restrain from at least pushing false information to their readers. I guess that’s the little idealist in me. I know what Zivity is about, and support their efforts and celebration for women and artists whole-heartedly. It is not ipad porn. I will continue to do so, and believe anyone comfortable in their own skin, and who enjoys beauty, should do the same.

The site is based on beauty, it celebrates artists, and it supports the community that drives it more than any other artist organization I’ve ever heard of. Did you know that Zivity releases 80% of every vote-dollar to the artist and model? That’s a hell of a commission, in any arena, regardless of form. That in and of itself makes another bold statement about their philosophy. Think about it.


Efren Toscano

Efren Toscano founded TechZulu in the heart of Southern California: Orange County. Focused on providing a platform to showcase all that is happening here in the tech and media space. TechZulu is rapidly growing to be the hub for Southern California technology companies news source. Efren has been chosen as one of LA Weekly's People of 2009 and selected as a Top 20 MostPublic Individuals in Los Angeles in Tech and Biz by NowPublic. He divides his time between San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles and tech events around the US.

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