How to be a Startup Competition Winner | Infographic

Feb 20, 2012 • Infographic, Startups
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It’s always nice to have a map in hand when going backpacking through the mountains. Without a map it’s easy to get lost. Just like backpacking through the mountains, startup competitions such as Startup Weekend can be difficult without some guidance. The team at talkTECH put together this infographic to give you the added edge of how to be a winner in any startup competitions.

When participating just remember, don’t try to reinvent the wheel instead use open services available to you. Be cautious of the industry you choose to create or solve for. Most of these competitions only allot you 54 hours to create. Make the best of it. Good luck!

Kyle Ellicott

Co-Founder of @EventifyMe, CEO of @Codeita and Heavy Cloud Media Group. I have a strong love and passion for startups. Some say I’m a serial entrepreneur, coder, idea creator, and a nice guy.

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