Innovation Crush | How Starlight Runner Masters Transmedia Storytelling

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“Innovation to me is new ways of connecting people, especially people who are not yet connected.” –Jeff Gomez

Innovation-Crush-JeffGomezTrance media consists of some of the best music known to the world.  It’s also a great means of watching people actually go into trances.  Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately), neither of these is Jeff Gomez of Starlight Runner’s area of expertise.  “Transmedia” however, is defined as is the technique of telling a single story or story experience across multiple platforms and formats using current digital technologies. According to Wikipedia, it is not to be confused with traditional cross-platform media franchises, sequels or adaptations.  This is where Jeff and Starlight Runner shine bright as pioneers in this fascinating form of storytelling.

Let’s face it.  We consume more media today, than ever before.  Every day, the conversations around the water cooler grow broader as they bring out our opinions, insights, and anecdotes on things we’ve read, videos we’ve seen, TV shows we watch, blogs we frequent, games we play, people we follow, movie franchises we love, and things we’ve experienced in the physical world.

Jeff and his team bring all these experiences together, by skillfully architecting stories for consumer brands and entertainment franchises to keep audiences engaged and entertained.  In his world, each chronological event within these stories exist on any of several platforms; and the highest engaged group of consumers will go along for the ride, whenever and wherever he wants to take them.  Not only that, they’ll bring others along for the ride.

When successfully executed, the result of transmedia is exponentially massive brand engagement and awareness, increased revenues, heightened brand value, and an overall kick-ass experience for consumers and creators.   But how the hell do you do it successfully?  On Innovation Crush, Jeff explains the ins and outs of the business, the complex nature of transmedia creativity, and how his own childhood geekdom primed him to be at the helm of one of the most respected transmedia shops in the world.

Chris Denson

Chris Denson is a long time idea-maker whose career has spanned media creation, marketing, strategy, and product innovation. He has worked across many verticals from fashion to entertainment, technology, gaming, and cultural arts. As host of Innovation Crush, he explores the "who" and "how" behind some of the world's most compelling innovations. Subscribe to Innovation Crush via Soundcloud or iTunes.

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