LG LSB316 Speaker Sound Bar [Review]

May 10, 2011 • Uncategorized
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I heard about the LG LSB316 Speaker Sound Bar at CES this year and jumped at the chance to review it when we received a demo unit.

The unit arrived at my office in a large LG branded box.  I wasted no time getting it set up to use it as my office jam station.  It, surprisingly, wasted none of my time either.  From box to shelf and playing my iTunes library took 3 minutes. After I plugged in the unit to the wall and turned it on, I did the same with the Bluetooth subwoofer.  It connected with zero hassle.  I was amazed at how few cables were needed.  The only one the unit comes with is an optical cable that can be used to hook up to a TV or any other device.  LG is able to accomplish this un-tethering with the most important feature of the LSB316, Bluetooth Streaming.

Now that she had power I wanted to play some music!  I synced my iPhone via Bluetooth and I was up and running! The sound quality was great for my office and the subwoofer didn’t miss a beat, easily out performing many of the best Bluetooth speakers.

I kept the unit in my office for a week and then moved it into heavy testing, my house.  I live on PCH in Laguna Beach.  A problem I have is road noise while listening to TV or a movie.  The Sound Bar sat mounted right under my TV on the entertainment center and the subwoofer on the floor next to it.  That first night was the most enjoyable TV experience I had had in a while.  I used the optical cable to hook it up to the TV and it worked seamlessly.  Right before dinner that night I switched it to Bluetooth mode and streamed audio while we ate.

I am very impressed with this LG LSB316.  It has lived with me for a few weeks and I have sold (2) just by virtue of people seeing it and streaming their phone to it in 30 seconds.   The LG LSB316 retails for $299.00 but if you are a savvy searcher I bet you can find it more in the $235-$250 range.  My opinion is that it is well worth the price.  I am bummed I have to send the demo unit back.  Don’t feel bad though, my purchased unit should arrive in a few days!

Key Features:

  • Bluetooth Streaming
  • Wireless Subwoofer
  • Silk Dome Speaker Technology
  • 280W 2.1 Ch Virtual Surround Sound
  • Wall mountable

Chris Van Dusen

President of i-FFICIENCY, Director Business Development and New Media at Rief Media, http://riefmedia.com,Tech Enthusiast, Early Adopter, Remote Efficiency Jedi

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