Missed Out On The Ad Networks Secrets Panel at Rubicon?

Oct 07, 2008 • Events
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Part 1


Worry not, TechZulu brings you the panel in all of its glory, but in doses. We’ve split the panel into 5 parts at 10min each. So all those short attention span peeps we got you covered as well ;)


Here is a list of the Panelist along with the Moderator:

Shayne Mihalka, CEO/ Founder of Underdog Media (former SVP of ValueClick)
Michael Brauch, Media Director, aCerno
Matt Boyd, SVP, ValueClick Media
Tom Alexander, Director of Sales, Dedicated Media
Paul Oronoz, VP of Sales, Southwest Region, Specific Media

Tameka Kee, Former Staff Writer of Media Post








Part 2




Part 3




Part 4




Part 5



Efren Toscano

Efren Toscano founded TechZulu in the heart of Southern California: Orange County. Focused on providing a platform to showcase all that is happening here in the tech and media space. TechZulu is rapidly growing to be the hub for Southern California technology companies news source. Efren has been chosen as one of LA Weekly's People of 2009 and selected as a Top 20 MostPublic Individuals in Los Angeles in Tech and Biz by NowPublic. He divides his time between San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles and tech events around the US.

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